yard drainage problems

Address Yard Drainage Problems to Maintain Property Values

Yard drainage problems require corrective action. Without knowledgeable intervention, property owners may risk significant losses over the course of time. In the Triangle Area, Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. helps customers develop affordable, practical solutions for yard drainage problems.

yard drainage problems

A Complex Issue

A variety of potential causes contribute to poorly draining yards. Also, as Global Warming intensifies, some experts fear harsh storm systems may impact coastal areas with greater frequency. Furthermore, these changes might well magnify water run off issues in other, more inland regions. Residents of North Carolina benefit by addressing yard drainage problems proactively.

Act Promptly

One important consideration in resolving yard drainage problems involves the need for a timely response. Delaying this important home improvement may allow water run off to damage realty. Just consider seven strong reasons to implement corrections as quickly as possible:

1. Poorly Draining Water Run Off Damages Lawns

Gravity causes water to flow downhill. The long-term ponding of water in depressions in lawns produces gardening problems. This situation eventually rots the root systems of turf grasses. Maintain adequate yard drainage systems to avoid this type of preventable property loss.

2. Weeds Flourish in Sites With Long Term Yard Drainage Issues

Additionally, a persistently damp, wet yard may produce environmental changes contributing to weed growth. Different species of plants thrive in variable conditions. By permitting low lying ground to transform into a seasonal pond, property owners sometimes greatly increase lawn care challenges. Weeds may intersperse grasses more easily.

3. Pooling Water in Yards Attracts Mosquitoe Infestations

One strong reason to correct yard drainage problems promptly in North Carolina involves preventing mosquitoe infestations. Also, some species of mosquitoes lay eggs in warm, shallow pools of water. During summer months, ponded yards in this region remain at risk of developing thriving mosquito populations. Also, these blood-sucking insects today spread many unwelcome diseases (including malaria, Zika virus, and West Nile virus).

4. Yard Drainage Problems Frequently Produce Erosion

Examples of erosion caused by water run-off prove numerous. As it drains across a lawn, water gradually carves channels into the ground. Furthermore, heavy flows may carry along topsoil, fertilizer, vegetation, and rock. Eventually, this unplanned run off produces exposed patches of bare earth. It may also leave debris strewn across driveways, sidewalks, patios, and roadsides.

5. Water Run Off Sometimes Causes Destructive Soil Shifting

Over time, yard drainage problems may lead to unplanned terrain changes. Run off degrades (or even collapses) hillsides in certain settings, for example. Soil shifting can occur underground in some places as a result of water drainage patterns. These issues occasionally result in damage to expensive landscaping.

6. Inadequate Yard Drainage Displeases Neighbors

Yard drainage problems often cause tension between neighbors. Property owners may discover inadequate drainage eventually threatens adjoining tracts. Also, most people don’t appreciate living next door to homes on waterlogged sites. Additionally, mosquitoes, weeds, and erosion sometimes impact neighboring yards (and property values) in negative ways. Today, HOAs sometimes initiate subdivision-wide efforts to implement effective water run off solutions.

7. Yard Drainage Problems May Produce Dank Basements And Crawl Spaces

Certainly, long-term dampness poses one of the most serious potential results of poor yard drainage. Also, saturated soil may allow water to pool underground next to foundations and basements. In some cases, run-off collects in unsealed residential crawl spaces. Furthermore, expensive repair bills may ensue from this type of uncorrected water damage.

Maintaining Waterproof Homes And Businesses

By ensuring adequate yard drainage, property owners in the Triangle Area of NC help prevent needless financial losses. Today, a variety of practical solutions help direct rain and melting snow into the desired run-off channels. From swales and water cisterns to French Drains and regrading, many useful improvements address yard drainage problems. Additionally, Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. offers experienced assistance to customers. We strive to offer cost-effective options to help protect realty against water damage.

Our company possesses extensive contracting and construction expertise. For fast assistance with any waterproofing concern, contact us at 919-877-9969. We serve customers in Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill. Lastly, we look forward to assisting you!