A Quick Overview of Cleanup And Basement Repair After Flooding

Property owners across North Carolina request basement repair services for a variety of reasons. Indoor flooding frequently poses a problem. A large hot water tank may crack and spill gallons of water. Perhaps a broken washing machine overflows. Or a severe storm may allow runoff from a water-soaked, poorly draining yard to seep indoors.

basement repair

Do you know how to respond to these types of misfortunes? Effective basement repair requires seven key steps. Prudent commercial real estate owners consider all of these issues before rebuilding. It usually proves helpful to obtain professional assistance. Some businesses hire both water damage restoration cleaners and basement repair waterproofing specialists.

An Overview of Cleanup And Basement Repair

In most cases, comprehensive basement repair only occurs after some basic preparations. A property owner typically need to perform a number of important tasks first:

1. Determining The Source of Flooding

It proves vitally important to ascertain the source of the flooding (to the extent possible). Typically, runoff from rain or nearby waterways contains more contaminants than indoor floods involving tap water. Expect an overflowing creek to carry more mud into the basement than a broken dishwasher or a burst water pipe.

2. Taking Personal Safety Precautions

Never re-enter a flooded building until authorities authorize your return. Cut off gas to the site. Also, shut down electricity to rooms impacted by flooding. Always wear protective gear while performing cleanup. Experts recommend wearing rubber boots.

3. Evaluating The Condition of The Basement

Avoid wading into flooded areas whenever possible. Exercise caution walking on steps in flooded basements, for instance. Sometimes water may cause steps or other man-made structures to collapse.

4. Extracting Water

Professional water damage cleaning firms offer assistance extrating high volumes of water from basements. Flooded carpeting often contains a significant quantity of liquid. Water extraction must occur in order to perform effective cleaning and disinfection. Also, specialized water extraction equipment expedites this process. These machines prove more effective than conventional carpet cleaners or shop vacs.

5. Thoroughly Cleaning And Disinfecting Impacted Surfaces

Today, most experts recommend thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting all surfaces in contact with flood water. This process may involve removing sections of drywall, insulation, molding, and flooring. Additionally, bleach cleaning solutions help disinfect carpeting and some furniture surfaces that contacted flood water. Also, take furniture outdoors to perform cleaning. Different materials will require the use of specific cleaning agents.

6. Drying The Premises

Specialized restoration cleaners offer assistance to customers in drying flooded locations, too. Portable fans and dehumidifying equipment may prove helpful. In some sites, high humidity requires an extended drying period before rebuilding can commence safely. Avoid rushing to remodel before you achieve a completely dry site.

7. Obtaining Essential Basement Repair Services

Finally, rely upon the services of licensed contractors to assess basement and foundation damage. Basement repair sometimes requires excavations. In other cases, it may involve other measures, e.g. resealing windows or installing backup sump pumps. A knowledgeable contractor offers valuable assistance determining the extent of damage and the available repair options. Furthermore, implementing waterproofing measures often helps alleviate (or even prevent) some types of recurring flooding.

The Importance of Written Plans

Typically, today both water restoration cleaners and basement repair waterproofing contractors recommend preparing detailed written plans. This documentation assists clients by recording every measure taken to refurbish the premises. Keep a copy of these guidelines to show to your insurance adjuster. Additionally, business insurance policies sometimes offer assistance paying for restoration cleanup and basement repair services.

It usually proves helpful to photograph flooded business premises extensively before commencing a cleanup. Taking this step may assist an insurer in documenting the occurrence of an indoor flood. A contractor evaluating the need for basement repair services will likely also seek to photograph damaged sites. Keep copies of the photos to show to lenders, if applicable.

Request Expert Basement Repair Services

Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. offers a full spectrum of basement repair and waterproofing services in NC. Our company specializes in commercial and new construction waterproofing. Also, we serve residential and commercial customers across the Greater Triangle Area.

Contact us if you own real estate in Durham, Chapel Hill, or Raleigh. We offer fast assistance restoring your premises after flooding. Contact us at 919-877-9969. Lastly, we look forward to providing knowledgeable basement repair and waterproofing services.

Be Weary of Possible Swimming Pool Leaks Near your Home or Business

Three Waterproofing Tips For  Swimming Pool Owners and their Neighbors

Do basement and crawl space waterproofing issues interest you? If you own a swimming pool, or your home or business stands within close proximity to one, be weary of possible swimming pool leaks. Even as a neighbor to a swimming pool owner, you maintain a vested interest in ensuring water doesn’t leak into your premises! Swimming pools sometimes contain significant volumes of liquid and if the pool begins leaking innumerable problems can occur. Water always follows the path of least resistance. Don’t let your basement, cellar, crawlspace, foundation, or yard become home to the pool leak runoff.

Today, residents of Wake County frequently enjoy the benefits offered by backyard or indoor residential swimming pools. A well-maintained pool can supply many happy hours of fun and recreation. It often provides welcome relief from blistering summer temperatures, too. Perhaps not surprisingly, numerous businesses and homeowners maintain this type of facility in the Raleigh Area. The county routinely inspects public pools to ensure compliance with pool maintenance and safety regulations.

water condensation Swimming Pool

Swimming Pools in Wake County, North Carolina

Local ordinances require anyone installing a swimming pool, a hot tub, or a spa in Wake County to obtain a pool building permit first (receiving this document requires passing a site plan approval and meeting building and electrical inspection requirements). Unfortunately, even well maintained facilities sometimes develop water leaks. To safeguard your premises against damaging leaks effectively, you’ll want to check basements and crawl spaces regularly. Even comparatively tiny leaks in swimming pools may cause water saturation in nearby locations. These three waterproofing tips may prove helpful:

One: Monitor Monthly Water Bills Closely

If you own a swimming pool, you’ll want to track your monthly water usage and bills closely. It remains important to recognize simple evaporation from the surface will result in regular monthly water losses. Some sources advise owners to anticipate a drop in pool levels by as much as 0.25 inches daily during hot weather. By checking the water level every five days over the course of a month, you can develop a water evaporation baseline to help you monitor this figure. If you notice a sudden spike in water losses or a significant jump in water bills, consider requesting professional assistance to locate leaks. Some pools designed to compensate for evaporative losses may develop leaks which don’t seem apparent due to the ongoing replacement of water.

Two: Repair Leaks in Vinyl Swimming Pool Liners Promptly

Today, most backyard pools utilize one of three basic types of pool liner: vinyl, fiberglass, or concrete. While the latter two surfaces infrequently develop leaks, vinyl liners sometimes sustain damage requiring urgent repair action. Even a small leak in a vinyl liner may allow large quantities of water to seep below the base of the pool; water may collect near adjoining slabs or basements. Experts recommend addressing pool repair issues quickly, since delays may permit small cracks or tears to expand in size. Concrete pools will require resurfacing (roughly every decade) to remain leak-free.

Three: Inspect Basements And Yards For Signs of Water Leaks Frequently

Swimming pool leaks may also develop in underground pool water and drain pipes. In many situations these pipes constitute residential sub-utility pipes. Owners of properties located close to swimming pools should consider periodically checking basements, storm cellars, and crawl spaces for signs of dampness or adjoining water-saturated soil. A leaking swimming pool water system potentially deposits significant volumes of water into the ground around the home or business they might be near. In Raleigh, some property owners with homes located close to swimming pools might wish to consider requesting annual or semi-annual inspections from a full-time waterproofing company. This process may help pool owners learn about possible water leaks in a timely manner.

Problems Posed by Swimming Pool Leaks

A swimming pool leak may damage adjoining man-made structures (including residences). While Wake County will inspect commercial pools, private swimming pools don’t necessarily receive close maintenance attention unless property owners remain vigilant for signs of leaks. Regular property inspections can help detect leaks in time to prevent some forms of damage!

Obtain Knowledgeable Waterproofing Assistance

Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. offers experienced residential and commercial waterproofing assistance in the Greater Raleigh, North Carolina area. If you’d like to better secure a basement against water leaks (including possible leaking from a nearby swimming pool), we provide excellent assistance. Ask us to inspect your premises for signs of water penetrating basements or crawl spaces, or pooling near foundations or slabs.

We can recommend measures to help you obtain dry, mold-free living and work areas. We offer skilled foundation repair services, sump station installations, excavations, and yard drainage assistance. Our firm received an Angie’s List Super Service Award in 2015. Call us at 919-877-9969 to schedule an initial appointment!

Further Information


Basement Drains: Using Backflow Prevention Technology Correctly

Basement Drains: Using Backflow Prevention Technology Correctly

The Value of Waterproofing TechnologyToday the issue of waterproofing a basement typically involves complexity. Builders, architects and structural engineers have developed many ingenious systems for erecting homes in a variety of terrains. A walk-out basement located in a residence perched on a steep hillside may present different types of waterproofing issues than one situated beneath a dwelling in a low-lying area, for instance.Backflow Prevention

The surrounding landscape, the elevation, prevailing climatic conditions, geology, the individual design of a home’s basement, and the household plumbing and drainage system may all potentially impact the ability of property owners to maintain a dry basement. While basement floor drains certainly don’t represent a “cure-all” solution to every potential water drainage problem, these drains may offer valuable protection against some specific types of water hazards. However, if your home includes a basement floor drain linked to a sewer system, you’ll want to make certain you use backflow prevention technology appropriately to help safeguard your premises against damage caused by sewer line clogs or backups.

Drain Backflow Prevention Technology

An infrequent but possible source of water pooling in lower levels of a home in some communities stems from backups in municipal sewer drain systems. This situation may potentially cause extensive damage. It also poses a significant threat to public health.

Today a variety of inexpensive backflow prevention devices on the marketplace assist homeowners in combatting this problem. Some of these low cost devices use check valves or even double check valves to stop water from backing up through drains and taps. If you own a home with a basement floor drain connected to a town sewer system should you go ahead and purchase some of these devices and install them in your home? Not necessarily. (We recommend seeking expert assistance.)

Treat Backflow Prevention Devices With Respect

As city planners have learned more about maintaining effective, sanitary and safe public services within prevailing environmental conditions, building codes in many locations have undergone periodic revisions. Today most of these regulations include complex plumbing provisions for the placement of backwater valves to prevent undesired sewer and drain backups. Communities with aging infrastructures sometimes include many older dwellings. The incorrect placement or installation of backwater valves in the past created enormous problems for some property owners and municipalities.

Incorrectly installed backwater valves and backwater valves placed in the wrong locations in a residence both cause significant problems. They may prevent a backup in one location, but create a bigger problem involving backflow at another spot. A homeowner who installs backflow prevention devices incorrectly may inadvertently contribute to residential plumbing problems, for instance.

A Variety of Basement Floor Drains

Adding to the complexity of this situation, some local areas mandate the use of specific types of backflow prevention devices, while others permit a wide variety. You’ll want to ensure any technology you install proves appropriate for your specific location and plumbing system. Fortunately, these devices today do not usually involve high costs: they typically offer an inexpensive, useful solution.

Additionally, not all basement floor drains connect to municipal sewer systems, even in homes located within urban areas. Some municipalities today require the connection of a basement floor drain to a sump pit; others still may not implement this requirement for some older buildings. It makes sense to consult with local building department personnel to clarify the specific type of floor drain (if any) in your basement.

Seek Expert Advice

For this reason, if you reside in a residence with a basement floor drain you believe connects directly to a municipal sewer system, it often proves useful to request an inspection of your basement by a waterproofing expert and public works department personnel before seeking the installation of one of these devices in your home. By checking first, you could prevent inadvertent damage caused by an improperly placed or incorrectly installed backflow prevention device. You’ll also make certain your modifications conform with current local building code requirements.

The correct use of prevention technology helps avoid plumbing catastrophes in many situations in which basement drains connected to sewer systems experience backflow. Basement floor drain backflow issues have occurred in some locations recently where municipal sewer and drainage systems faced pressure from protracted intense rainstorms, for instance. The messy and time-consuming cleanup typically involves considerable expense.

Waterproofing Services

By ensuring approved backflow prevention devices in basements work correctly, waterproofing experts perform a valuable service. When used properly, this technology may help save homeowners from painful losses. Contact Raleigh Waterproofing Solutions for assistance solving basement floor drain and waterproofing issues in our service area.

Useful Sump Pump Precautions

Useful Sump Pump Precautions

Sump Pumps: Useful Equipment

Sump pumps have become useful in homeowners struggles to maintain dry, waterproof basements. In some locations around the United States, building codes require the installation of sump pumps. Many homeowners have saved considerable sums of money simply by taking routine steps to keep residential sump pumps fully operational and in good working condition.

While sump pumps offer comparatively inexpensive water-removal assistance, failing to install a sump pump or to detect a malfunction involving the pump can prove exceedingly costly. Take some routine precautions to help ensure the sump pumps in your basement operate efficiently. You won’t need to expend a lot of effort, but you might reap important cost-savings with our list of sump pump precautions:

Sump Pump Precautions

One: Learn About Basic Sump Pump Operations

Sump pumps essentially perform the work of a “bucket brigade” by helping to collect pooling water from the lowest levels of a residence and pump it directly outside. For this reason, they typically occupy a “sump pit,” the lowest elevation in the basement. Water flows down to the sump pit through a basement drainage system. The sump pit will also collect any water seeping through basement walls or entering lower levels of the premises as a result of unusually heavy rains or flooding.

Today, depending upon their needs, homeowners often choose between two different styles of sump pump: pedestal or submersible. Both types offer advantages and disadvantages. The pedestal sump pump’s motor sits on a platform which elevates it above the sump pit. It contains a hose (or an intake pipe) extending down into the pit. As the engine pumps, it collects water pooled in the sump pit and pumps it outdoors. By contrast, a submersible sump pump’s motor sits beneath the sump pit basement drain within a completely enclosed waterproof housing. Out of sight under the basement floor, it also works to pump any water from the sump pit into a pipe leading outdoors. While sometimes very noisy during operation, pedestal pumps offer the advantages of a more easily accessible pump mechanism and a slightly lower cost. Submersible pumps usually provide considerably quieter operation, and they remain completely hidden from view and do not take up any useful basement floor space. However, repairing the motor generally requires expert assistance due to the pump’s difficult-to-access location.

Two: Test Your Sump Pump Periodically

Home inspection experts recommend testing the sump pump at designated intervals. In some homes, a sump pump works almost around the clock during certain times of year. Making periodic checks of this equipment helps insure it will continue operating when needed. Home inspectors suggest asking an electrician to install a ground fault circuit interrupter on the sump pump’s electrical outlet to reduce possible electrocution dangers involving a sump pump.

The sump pump typically contains a water pressure sensor in the form of a float activator. As water flows into the sump pit, it exerts pressure on this mechanism and turns on the sump pump automatically. (A few homes possess manually activated sump pumps which require the owner to flip a switch to activate.) Test the pump’s operation by pouring water into the sump pit.

Three: Install a Backup Sump Pump

Sump pump failures can prove costly. Many plumbers recommend the installation of a second, back-up battery-powered sump pump. It can provide important assistance if a power interruption occurs during a heavy rainstorm.

Today many of these units include an alarm to alert residents to the need for battery replacement. Battery-powered pumps typically lack sustained endurance. Yet this equipment may prevent a flooded basement in some situations.

Four: Obtain Periodic Submersible Sump Pump Drain Cleaning

A third sump pump precaution applies specifically to popular submersible sump pumps. Placed beneath the basement drain in the sump pit, these units periodically become clogged with debris and sediment. They usually contain a bottom grate which accumulates unwanted material.

Periodical removal and cleaning helps ensure submersible pumps continue working effectively. It usually proves helpful to inspect the basement sump pit drain, too. Clear away any trapped debris or gravel.

A Persistently Wet Basement

If you take every precaution to maintain your home’s sump pump in good working condition, yet you still notice frequent dampness or pooling water in the basement, you might benefit by consulting about this problem with a full-time waterproofing company. Persistently damp indoor conditions can lead to a variety of heath and safety concerns. These issues range from the development of mold to termite infestations and weakened building foundations.

Our firm remains available to assist property owners struggling to resolve sump pump and basement waterproofing issues. Don’t allow a dank basement to degrade your property values. Instead, simply give us a call. We’ll help you discover the source of persistent water and find practical, effective solutions.

Safeguarding Homes And Families During Disasters

Safeguarding Homes And Families During Disasters

Recently, residents of Florida and several Southeastern states suffered hardships as a result of Hurricane Matthew, a Category IV storm. The massive weather system left a trail of destruction in its wake in Cuba, Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Although people cannot always obtain safety when a natural disaster strikes, households can take some measures to help safeguard lives and property:

Backflow Prevention Disasters

First: Evaluate Local Threats

It may prove useful to evaluate the most common types of natural disasters in your location. While some disasters strike without warning, usually the most common types of threats facing a location also occurred there in the past.

For example, coastal areas face a higher risk of encountering hurricanes and tidal waves than inland sites. In much of the Midwest and the Great Plains, tornadoes remain a significant threat, as do earthquakes. Flooding usually impacts people near waterways or in low-lying areas. Families residing in heavily wooded places worry about forest fires as a common threat. In mountainous regions, winter avalanches, rock slides and even rare volcanic activity pose concerns. Spend some time considering the most common natural disasters in your locale in order to develop a family emergency plan to respond more effectively to these unwelcome events.

Second: Adhere to Evacuation Orders

If government authorities recommend evacuation, follow their suggestion. In the face of a fire or other natural disaster, your life matters far more than your possessions! Some experts recommend establishing prearranged meeting spots for family members to use if they become separated during a disaster.

Third: Protect Real Estate to The Extent Possible

No one can counteract certain powerful natural disasters effectively, of course. Yet you may find ways to better protect real estate from some common hazards:


If you reside in a region prone to seismic activity, such as Southern California, consider investigating architectural measures to help homes withstand earthquakes. Structures engineered to sway during seismic activity may prove less likely to collapse. If periodic tremors afflict your location, some practical decorating steps help safeguard your real estate. You might want to invest in built-in enclosed appliances, cabinets and shelving, for instance, to keep items from tumbling to the ground.


In some locations, the federal government offers inexpensive flood insurance. If this program serves your area, consider purchasing this protection. It could help your family recover financially after a serious flood.


Recently, experts developed concrete reinforced safety shelters which offer enhanced security during a tornado. If your household receives sufficient advance warning to access a shelter, this type of structure could prove life-saving. Consider investing in one of these “safe rooms” in a tornado zone.


Experts recommend taking several precautions in areas prone to wildfires. First, remove all vegetation growing close to the residence; fire spreads easily from burning vegetation to overhanging eaves or other structures. Second, invest in a fire-resistant roof and siding. Third, keep prized personal belongings, such as family photos, in a fire resistant safe. An interior sprinkling system may prove helpful in some situations.

Other Disasters

Surging water represents the most serious hazard during hurricanes, followed by high winds transporting flying debris.  Property owners possess limited recourse during these calamities. To monitor the condition of your real estate from a distance, you could install a remote camera surveillance system in your home.

Planning Ahead

Planning sometimes helps protect homes during certain disasters. Remember, survival should remain the top priority!

Basement Flooding 101: Why It Happens and How You Can Get Help

Basement Flooding 101: Why It Happens and How You Can Get Help

If you own a basement in Raleigh, then you may be familiar with the way that they tend to leak. While basements are designed to withstand a significant amount of force, the materials they are made of seldom are designed to protect against leaks.

Let’s take an in-depth look at why your basement might leak, and what you can do to repair and protect against future basement flooding.

Basement Flooding Wet Basement Waterproof Basements

Why Do Basements Leak?

Basements are generally constructed using concrete, mortar or another type of rock-based cement. This material should be strong enough to withstand the force of dirt pressing inward against it while providing a solid foundation for the remainder of your home’s structure.

The problem with these materials is that they become brittle by design. They contract when they dry, which is why rebar and other materials are integrated within them for reinforcement.

While most of these cracks should remain unseen or harmless, some can allow water to seep into your home.

Other sources of leaks include:

Drainage from improperly sealed basement windows.
Splash-up water that sneaks between the foundation and your house’s first floor.
Poor yard drainage that allows water to pool around your basement.
Failure to address leaks that become progressively worse over time.

How Can a Leaky Basement Be Fixed?

Leaky basements can be addressed in three major ways:

Water can be diverted away from the basement. Yard drainage will often help with this. French drains may be employed around the foundation of the property to carry water away.
Cracks and damage should be repaired and sealed. Crack injections using an epoxy-based filler are the most common ways to repair cracks, but more drastic measures may be needed if the damage has progressed.
Water that drains vertically should be diverted underneath the basement. Blocks can be fitted outside the basement and a drain can be added below the basement floor to divert water away from the foundation.

The cost and involvement of these measures will vary depending upon the system required to keep water away from the basement. Smaller basements may require fixing damage and minor water diversion, but larger basements may require a more comprehensive system to ensure that the basement is waterproof.

Is a Leaky Basement Something You Should Be Concerned About?

While a few small leaks may seem like a minor nuisance, the thing to understand about leaks is that they tend to grow larger. Running water erodes the concrete and other materials designed to keep your basement watertight.

Without repairing these issues, water can wear down your basement’s structure until you have serious structural issues. Winter freezes in Raleigh can make these issues progress even further due to the way water expands as it becomes a solid.

The bottom line is that any basement leak should be repaired to prevent future problems.

Waterproof Your Foundation, Home and Basement

If your basement leaks, then let the experts as Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc fix it. We can employ our years of experience and cutting-edge techniques to ensure that water stays out of your home.

Learn more about our basement waterproofing services today.

5 Problems Small Leaks in Your Home Can Cause

5 Problems Small Leaks in Your Home Can Cause

Water is one of the most powerful natural forces on Earth. It is the only force that can nourish crops while causing features like mountains to crumble.

This incredible ability to dissolve and erode even rocks makes it a hazard for basements and homes. It can rot wood, crack foundations, and create small breaches that allow more water to seep into your home.

This additional water causes more problems until you have a small lake in your home.

Let’s explore five unwanted things that a simple and seemingly harmless leaks in your home can cause.

Leaks in Your Home

1. Flooding

Leaks in your home begin as tiny problems. They may be so small that they are little more than areas with elevated levels of moisture.

The problem is that even the smallest leak can grow larger. It will erode more material until it freely allows water to flow in and out of your home.

This means that leaks, no matter how small, will eventually result in flooding.

2. Microorganisms

Moisture is a component needed for almost all known forms of life. This means that areas lacking moisture will be free of organisms, while areas that stay wet will be a prime breeding ground for all sorts of things.

When you have leaks in your home, you have an area where elevated levels of moisture reside. Bacteria, mold and other microorganisms can travel inside of your home before multiplying.

The result of these microorganisms can be everything from a simple irritation to health problems that can affect your entire family.

3. Drafts

Leaks require holes. If water can travel inside of your home, then air can both escape and infiltrate it.

This can cause drafts in your home. Areas that may have a controlled climate might require significantly more cooling or heating to stay at the right temperature.

This results in a less comfortable environment that costs you more to heat and cool.

4. Fires

While water itself tends to be non-conductive, it generally carries minerals and other substances that are. When this water comes in contact with active electrical wiring, you encounter a short circuit.

Left unchecked, this can be the source of a fire. This could put your entire home at risk.

The reason electrical fires are such a danger with leaks concerns the way that they develop. They may cause a large fire immediately, or your wiring may be prone to fluctuations that could cause appliances to fail.

5. Foundation Shifting

Water can shift your entire house. Leaks in your home can erode the structures in your home responsible for keeping it level and sturdy.

When your home’s foundation shifts, this encourages more leaks to develop. Your roof, garage, windows and doors may begin to leak as the result of your home’s foundation shifting.

Even Small Leaks in your Home Should be Repaired

The five effects of leaks listed above are simply the start. Leaks can cause even more damage to your home, which means that you will spend more money, time and effort trying to repair damage that could have been prevented.

When you see signs of even the smallest leak, contact the experts at Raleigh Waterproofing Inc. Allow our expertise to repair and prevent the damage that leaks can do to your home.

Should I Do It My Self?

Should I Do It My Self?

If you are experiencing waterproofing issues, our experts are here assist you in Problem Diagnosis. Once you have professional opinion you can make more educated decision on what repairs you want to make. People often make the mistake off assessing the situation themselves, this can lead to faulty repairs or (rigging) as we like to call it.

basement repair Should I Do It My Self?

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