As an experienced waterproofing contractor, Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. sometimes assists customers by performing crack injections. This process supplies a valuable technique to help prevent small cracks in concrete surfaces from enlarging into significant defects. Yet this type of project involves considerable complexity. Customers frequently wish to know more about this important technology.
About Crack Injections
Today, many builders appreciate the strength, durability, and versatility of concrete. This building material occurs widely in both commercial and residential settings. From building foundations to basement walls to landscaping features, it helps create many important structures. Yet it proves essential to correct cracks in concrete in a timely manner.
Crack injections involve carefully infusing a waterproof material into a concrete crack. Typically, polyurethane or epoxy formulations serve this purpose. The injection helps forestall further water damage at the site. It may stop a small concrete crack from widening over the course of time.
When Crack Injections Prove Useful
Today, crack injections hold utility in a variety of circumstances. For example, Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. frequently uses this technique to effect waterproofing. We may perform crack injections to prevent water from seeping through cracks in a basement or a foundation. In some communities, swimming pool repair companies also utilize this process.
Surprisingly, during recent years, a growing number of companies have performed “above grade” crack injections. These massive building projects sometimes seek to preserve failing infrastructure. For instance, a few years ago, an earthquake damaged many buildings in New Zealand. Above-grade crack injections helped maintain some badly damaged structures after the natural disaster.
A Complex Technique: One Illustration
We work primarily with polyurethane crack injections. Our company usually performs below-grade non-load bearing concrete repair services. Our firm offers valuable assistance to property owners seeking waterproofing. We devote considerable attention to work site preparation, an essential part of the crack-injection process.
Today, crack-injection often involves a lot of complexity. For example, companies undertaking above-grade repairs frequently use epoxy formulations. The ASTM C881 sets out standards for these materials. It lists seven types, including six classifications and three distinct grades. Epoxy formulations, viscosities, ambient temperatures, and site preparation all impact the final results.
Why Repairing a Leaky Basement Supplies Long Term Value
Why does an investment in waterproofing crack injection services usually make sound financial sense? Over the course of time, unrepaired cracks in concrete gradually widen. A leaky basement or foundation may allow water to seep into a crack and freeze. The pressure of the expanding water eventually widens the crack further. Crack injections help arrest this damaging cycle.
Of course, performing an injection cannot guarantee another crack won’t occur in a different location. Sometimes property owners in North Carolina need to conduct waterproofing inspections every few years. Taking this step helps them identify (and repair) any new concrete cracks in a timely manner. It ultimately helps maintain a building’s anticipated useful lifespan.
Working Closely With Property Owners
We work closely with real estate owners whenever we undertake injections. We strive to ensure the property owner understands the importance of regular waterproofing inspections. Additionally, cracks form in concrete for a variety of reasons. For example, in some cases, shifting soil places pressure on concrete surfaces. If the ground remains saturated with water, new leaks may occur eventually.
Our commitment to our customers extends beyond performing crack injections. Furthermore, we encourage customers to help create long-term waterproofing plans. Also, this step may involve requesting periodic waterproofing inspections. In some cases, undertaking crack injections every few years helps maintain the anticipated useful lifespans of homes and businesses.
Request Crack Injections to Enhance Waterproofing
Would your North Carolina property benefit from crack injections? Additionally, customers in the Triangle Area sometimes require this important waterproofing service. Also, it remains vital to ask a knowledgeable contractor to undertake this type of project. Improperly performed crack injections may fail.
As a licensed contractor, Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. possesses expertise in completing this type of assignment. For example, we may use an injection to repair small cracks in basement walls or residential foundations. Also, our company performs careful site preparation. We work closely with property owners to solve waterproofing problems.
Our service area extends across the Greater Triangle Area. Contact us for assistance in Raleigh, NC. We also provide crack injection services in Durham, Chapel Hill, and outlying locations. Call us today at (919)-877-9969. Lastly, we look forward to assisting you!