DIY Test To Check If A Sump Pump System Works Properly

Today, builders in this part of North Carolina usually install sump stations in new construction. A sump pump system works at the lowest level of a building to prevent water pooling. It helps direct excess water from basements, utility rooms, or other low-lying sites to the outdoors. This brief article describes a useful test to help determine whether this essential item of waterproofing equipment remains in good operating condition.

slider Sump pump system

Sump Pump System Basics

First, manufacturers produce a wide variety of sump pumps for residential and commercial use today. Secondly, most of these units operate beneath the level of the drain within a sump station. However, some pedestal varieties remain affixed above the sump. (Unlike submersible units, pedestal pumps provide comparatively easy access to the motor.)

Sump pumps perform valuable service by preventing the accumulation of water in the lower levels of a home or business. Currently, most of these units maintain an anticipated life expectancy between 5 and 12 years. Also, some expensive models of pedestal pumps last up to 25 years or more. In most cases, property owners maximize the utility they receive from technology by obtaining periodic maintenance and repair services.

Currently, some owners maintain both professionally installed sump pumps and one (or more) back-up battery-powered units. Pumps which operate with the assistance of the electrical system alone might shut down abruptly if a flood or other natural disaster causes power outages. Also, pumps which rely upon battery-powered motors or backup generators continue operating even under adverse conditions.

Importance Testing And Maintenance Tips

1. As a preliminary matter, most experts recommend checking on the operation of the sump pump system using a simple test. By ensuring this equipment remains in good operating condition, property owners gain greater peace of mind during emergencies. Never conduct this test if you notice loose or exposed wiring visible around the sump pump, or if you detect a frayed or damaged power cord. Also, refrain from reaching into the sump basin.

2. The test involves taking one or two buckets of clean water and pouring them into the sump basin. Evaluate how well the water drains from the location. In this situation, the sump pump should immediately spring into action and begin pumping water. Problems have occurred if (1) the sump pump fails to operate, or (2) the sump pump does not cease operating promptly after the removal of the water. Finally, obtain assistance from a sump pump repairer if you detect any system failures.

Contact Us

In the Greater Raleigh Area, protecting basements and crawl spaces against groundwater seepage and dampness matters enormously. Water damage frequently costs homeowners financial losses in this region. Also, to obtain knowledgeable assistance installing, maintaining, repairing, or replacing sump pumps, or to request any other waterproofing services, contact Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. We possess extensive experience in construction. Our firm helps residential and commercial clients discover cost-effective waterproofing solutions. Lastly, call us today at 919-877-9969 for assistance.

Information Sources:


Sump Pump Technology: Does Your Home Require Additional Pumps?

One of the most important tools for removing water from the lower levels of a home has existed for many years. A sump pump potentially works around the clock to help push water into basement drains. These helpful devices frequently protect residential and business properties in areas subject to flooding. They provide a tool for preventing seeping water from pooling in basements and cellars.

Parts of North Carolina recently sustained damage caused by intense storms and surging waters. The force of some natural disasters (like Hurricane Florence) overwhelms many waterproofing systems and causes widespread devastation and suffering. These tragic events frustrate the efforts of builders and waterproofing firms alike! Yet under normal conditions, homeowners do usually have an opportunity to minimize some flooding risks by taking precautions in advance. These measures help maintain dry basements by preventing water intrusions. Ensuring a sufficient number of correctly located sump pumps protect your premises furthers waterproofing goals.

Sump Pump

Sometimes Multiple Sump Pumps Offer The Best Protection

For example, the size of a basement may influence a property owner’s use of sump pumps. A small basement may contain only a single drain and a single sump pumps in basements to help drain pooled water from the basement floor. By contrast, builders sometimes install multiple basement drains in large unfinished basements. Effective waterproofing in these locations might eventually require the use of a dedicated sump pump in conjunction with every drain. Local building codes and the floorplan may impact the installation of these extra sump pump for basements.

Additionally, today property owners sometimes benefit from installing back up systems. If a sump pump fails to work properly, a backup pump offers extra security against a complete system failure. To explore this solution in the Greater Raleigh Area, consider asking an experienced waterproofing company such as Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. to conduct an inspection and make specific recommendations concerning your property. Taking this step may improve your capabilities for safeguarding the premises against water damage in certain situations.

How a Waterproofing Firm Can Help

Waterproofing companies specialize in assisting property owners in developing and implementing effective strategies for preventing water damage. By focusing specifically on this issue, a waterproofing expert acquires familiarity with a variety of different available tools designed to promote better drainage. This effort considers not only the basement and the location of sump pumps (if any), but also the layout of basement drains and the drainage of water through the surrounding terrain (including the yard).

Requesting a waterproofing inspection enables you to obtain input from Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. about these issues. Our company possesses extensive experience installing sump pumps and backup systems. We also frequently construct additional basement internal drains and build French Drains to help channel rainwater runoff into the desired direction. Particularly if the sump pumps on your property have not received cleaning or maintenance services for several years, it may prove helpful to ask us to check over these devices for you during a basement waterproofing inspection.

Develop a Comprehensive Basement Waterproofing Plan

We frequently assist customers by preparing detailed waterproofing plans. The recommendations we make hinge upon the waterproofing needs of the individual property owners and any specific drainage issues observed during a property waterproofing inspection. For example, under some circumstances, we might recommend replacing a damaged sump pump with a new product or adding a backup system to minimize the risk of a catastrophic malfunction during an emergency.

In most cases, property owners benefit by considering waterproofing issues at the earliest possible point in time. For example, today many astute builders actually include waterproofing measures in their plans during home construction. These measures may enhance the marketability of properties. Home buyers usually appreciate knowing new homes incorporate effective waterproofing strategies in their designs right from the outset. The installation of basement sump pumps may play an important part in ensuring water won’t collect in the lower levels of the residence and eventually pose problems.

Request a Waterproofing And Sump Pump Inspection

If you own commercial or residential property in the Greater Raleigh Area, or if you engage in home construction here, we’d love to discuss effective basement waterproofing measures with you. Our company frequently works as a subcontractor during the installation of basement drainage and sump pump systems in new construction. It usually makes sound financial sense to give careful consideration to waterproofing issues and sump pump installation at the earliest possible point in a homebuilding project.

Today real estate purchasers appreciate knowing builders have considered the issue of water drainage during construction. Homes in this region which offer dry basements and well-drained yards offer numerous benefits. Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. supplies knowledgeable assistance constructing basements which include optimal drainage and sump pump systems. Contact us soon at 919-877-9969 to discuss ways we can assist you!

Useful Information


Useful Sump Pump Precautions

Useful Sump Pump Precautions

Sump Pumps: Useful Equipment

Sump pumps have become useful in homeowners struggles to maintain dry, waterproof basements. In some locations around the United States, building codes require the installation of sump pumps. Many homeowners have saved considerable sums of money simply by taking routine steps to keep residential sump pumps fully operational and in good working condition.

While sump pumps offer comparatively inexpensive water-removal assistance, failing to install a sump pump or to detect a malfunction involving the pump can prove exceedingly costly. Take some routine precautions to help ensure the sump pumps in your basement operate efficiently. You won’t need to expend a lot of effort, but you might reap important cost-savings with our list of sump pump precautions:

Sump Pump Precautions

One: Learn About Basic Sump Pump Operations

Sump pumps essentially perform the work of a “bucket brigade” by helping to collect pooling water from the lowest levels of a residence and pump it directly outside. For this reason, they typically occupy a “sump pit,” the lowest elevation in the basement. Water flows down to the sump pit through a basement drainage system. The sump pit will also collect any water seeping through basement walls or entering lower levels of the premises as a result of unusually heavy rains or flooding.

Today, depending upon their needs, homeowners often choose between two different styles of sump pump: pedestal or submersible. Both types offer advantages and disadvantages. The pedestal sump pump’s motor sits on a platform which elevates it above the sump pit. It contains a hose (or an intake pipe) extending down into the pit. As the engine pumps, it collects water pooled in the sump pit and pumps it outdoors. By contrast, a submersible sump pump’s motor sits beneath the sump pit basement drain within a completely enclosed waterproof housing. Out of sight under the basement floor, it also works to pump any water from the sump pit into a pipe leading outdoors. While sometimes very noisy during operation, pedestal pumps offer the advantages of a more easily accessible pump mechanism and a slightly lower cost. Submersible pumps usually provide considerably quieter operation, and they remain completely hidden from view and do not take up any useful basement floor space. However, repairing the motor generally requires expert assistance due to the pump’s difficult-to-access location.

Two: Test Your Sump Pump Periodically

Home inspection experts recommend testing the sump pump at designated intervals. In some homes, a sump pump works almost around the clock during certain times of year. Making periodic checks of this equipment helps insure it will continue operating when needed. Home inspectors suggest asking an electrician to install a ground fault circuit interrupter on the sump pump’s electrical outlet to reduce possible electrocution dangers involving a sump pump.

The sump pump typically contains a water pressure sensor in the form of a float activator. As water flows into the sump pit, it exerts pressure on this mechanism and turns on the sump pump automatically. (A few homes possess manually activated sump pumps which require the owner to flip a switch to activate.) Test the pump’s operation by pouring water into the sump pit.

Three: Install a Backup Sump Pump

Sump pump failures can prove costly. Many plumbers recommend the installation of a second, back-up battery-powered sump pump. It can provide important assistance if a power interruption occurs during a heavy rainstorm.

Today many of these units include an alarm to alert residents to the need for battery replacement. Battery-powered pumps typically lack sustained endurance. Yet this equipment may prevent a flooded basement in some situations.

Four: Obtain Periodic Submersible Sump Pump Drain Cleaning

A third sump pump precaution applies specifically to popular submersible sump pumps. Placed beneath the basement drain in the sump pit, these units periodically become clogged with debris and sediment. They usually contain a bottom grate which accumulates unwanted material.

Periodical removal and cleaning helps ensure submersible pumps continue working effectively. It usually proves helpful to inspect the basement sump pit drain, too. Clear away any trapped debris or gravel.

A Persistently Wet Basement

If you take every precaution to maintain your home’s sump pump in good working condition, yet you still notice frequent dampness or pooling water in the basement, you might benefit by consulting about this problem with a full-time waterproofing company. Persistently damp indoor conditions can lead to a variety of heath and safety concerns. These issues range from the development of mold to termite infestations and weakened building foundations.

Our firm remains available to assist property owners struggling to resolve sump pump and basement waterproofing issues. Don’t allow a dank basement to degrade your property values. Instead, simply give us a call. We’ll help you discover the source of persistent water and find practical, effective solutions.