Today, property owners discover advantages in asking an experienced waterproofing contractor to solve yard drainage issues. Persistently soggy lawns and garden detract from the pleasure of owning real estate in the Triangle Area. Additionally, standing water sometimes contributes to damp basements and crawl spaces. It makes sense to address yard drainage issues within a comprehensive waterproofing plan.
Yard Drainage Issues: A Common Problem
Most people in North Carolina have observed poorly draining lawns and gardens at one time or another. A heavy rain may transform a residential or business lot. Water collects in low-lying spots. The resulting puddles allow people and pets to track mud indoors.
Unfortunately, yard drainage issues sometimes cause these conditions to persist. Property owners may experience problems developing an attractive, lush lawn. Persistent pooled water will kill some landscaping plants. This problem creates barren, muddy patches and promotes the spread of molds and funguses in lawns. Small wonder so many residents of NC desire well-drained landscaping!
The Topography of The Yard Matters
Property owners who research yard drainage issues quickly learn the topography of the yard matters. Even along the same street, one yard may display excellent drainage, while another collects pooled water. The slope and grading of the land and the type of soil conditions usually impact puddle formation.
In some cases, obtaining a permanent solution for yard drainage issues requires assistance from an experienced contractor. It may prove vital to obtain excavation services, for example. Many strategies exist for promoting better water drainage. Customers usually save money by calling upon expert advice to correct this vexing problem.
Choose an Experienced Waterproofing Contractor
Why should you consider selecting an experienced waterproofing contractor to address a yard drainage issue? A number of excellent reasons support this decision. Just consider three advantages a knowledgeable contractor offers in this situation:
1. Obtain Accurate Yard Drainage Solutions
Fixing serious yard drainage issues frequently requires excavations. A waterproofing contractor with a background in construction offers reliable assistance. Most homeowners (and even many landscapers) lack experience conducting excavations. By contrast, a full-time waterproofing contractor utilizes professional grade tools and equipment to complete this type of project.
For example, one possible solution for correcting ponding in a yard requires the installation of a French Drain. Digging a swale may also resolve this problem, in some circumstances. An experienced waterproofing contractor can evaluate the surrounding topography carefully and recommend practical measures to correct drainage problems.
2. Ensure Yard Drainage Solutions Don’t Inadvertently Cause Other Waterproofing Problems
Unfortunately, poorly installed yard drainage solutions sometimes contribute to further waterproofing issues. It does little good to construct a French Drain in the wrong location, for instance. Similarly, placing a water cistern too close to building foundations may ultimately create additional waterproofing concerns.
Property owners gain peace of mind knowing they’ve selected an experienced contractor to resolve yard drainage issues. They gain the assurance excavations won’t cause more problems than they resolve. Additionally, they appreciate work will proceed efficiently, with the assistance of the correct tools and equipment. Hiring an expert ultimately helps solve yard drainage issues cost-effectively.
3. Seek Better Yard Drainage Over The Long Term
An expert waterproofing contractor also provides helpful information about the anticipated useful lifespan of drainage solutions. Over time, some improvements will require replacement. Furthermore, obtaining information about this topic from the outset aids property owners in performing better long term planning.
For instance, sometimes DIY efforts to correct yard drainage issues revolve around the installation of a “rain garden.” While this step will beautify a property, it fails to address the long-term consequences of water-saturated ground. Ultimately, a waterproofing contractor can help you include effective yard drainage solutions within a comprehensive Waterproofing Plan.
Request Waterproofing Services
Have your grounds developed persistent puddles and soggy patches? If you feel concerned about possible yard drainage issues, consider requesting our assistance. Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. serves clients throughout the Greater Triangle Area. Also, our President holds a license as a General Contractor in North Carolina. We specialize in waterproofing homes and businesses!
Request our services if you live in Raleigh, Durham, or Chapel Hill, NC. We possess extensive experience evaluating and correcting yard drainage issues. Our company offers expertise installing attractively covered French Drains, for example. We also dig swales and water cisterns for customers. Our services enhance property waterproofing.
In fact, we offer a full range of useful excavation and waterproofing skills. Ask us to supply foundation waterproofing repair services. We construct sump stations, install vapor barriers, and provide basement waterproofing and crawl space repair services, too. Call us now at 919-877-9969. Lastly, we look forward to speaking with you!