Waterproofing How Will The Coronavirus Pandemic Impact The Waterproofing Industry in North Carolina? Raleigh Waterproofing, NC Weatherproofing

How Will The Coronavirus Pandemic Impact The Waterproofing Industry in North Carolina?

The significant impact of the Coronavirus pandemic in the United States and around the world preoccupies millions of Americans. The disease causes health concerns. It also produces anxiety about the long term impact of social distancing on the economy. What, if any, effect will the outbreak of COVID-19 make on the waterproofing industry in North Carolina? What changes might impact prospective customers during this challenging period?

The Waterproofing Industry: Closely Connected to Construction

Today, the waterproofing industry in Raleigh and other communities in North Carolina maintains close connections with the broader construction field. It also overlaps (to some extent) with the landscaping and excavation industries. Full-time waterproofing firms like Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. assist property owners in achieving and maintaining dry, more comfortable premises.

Prioritizing Employee Health And Safety Highly

Business analysts suggest the current outbreak of COVID-19 holds ramifications for the construction industry in the United States. Yet predicting the full scope of these impacts proves difficult. In the immediate future, businesses in the waterproofing industry maintain a primary emphasis upon promoting employee health and safety. Ensuring the well being of customers also matters to us.

As of March 23, 2020, the CDC reported 255 confirmed cases of coronavirus in North Carolina. That total will likely rise as testing continues. The Governor issued a directive to close public schools for a two-week period commencing on March 16th. He also banned gatherings of more than 100 people as a precautionary measure. Most workplaces here remain open despite the disease outbreak.

Requesting Customer Cooperation

Coronavirus likely won’t impact waterproofing projects in North Carolina significantly. However, employees who don’t feel well should remain home. Potentially, this precaution might extend some completion dates due to availability issues. Yet it will help everyone ensure a healthier labor force.

The COVID-19 outbreak has showcased many acts of community spirit and cooperation. Companies in the waterproofing industry depend upon customer understanding during this period. We seek to complete every project on schedule. However, we also don’t want to perform work on your premises unless everyone feels healthy!

Long Term Economic Impacts

The long term economic impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the waterproofing industry remains unclear. Some analysts foresee possible delays in building supply deliveries for certain products. Items imported from locations with significant disease outbreaks might arrive more slowly.

For example, many parts of China experienced workplace slowdowns during January and February. Some Chinese manufacturing firms fell behind in their production schedules as a result. Potentially, manufacturers of construction supplies in the USA might experience similar delays during the next few weeks or months.

Impacts on The Real Estate Market

The need to maintain waterproof premises never diminishes. Consequently, waterproofing industry services will likely remain in high demand. This region sometimes experiences harsh storms. Since dry, waterproof conditions contribute to healthier living spaces, many property owners in Raleigh require this service.

A Miami newspaper recently reported the results of a national real estate survey. Home buyers in areas heavily impacted by the epidemic indicated a decreased interest in purchasing over the short term. Sellers in these locations also withdrew homes from the marketplace more frequently. These trends will likely change once the epidemic ends. Yet in the short term, the real estate market reflects a temporary slow down in some places.

Historically Low Interest Rates

At the present time, a drop in the interest rate assists real estate owners. Some property owners may seek waterproofing industry services before placing real estate on the market. It makes sense to schedule projects as far in advance as possible based upon this situation.

A period of slow short term market activity allows home sellers to review waterproofing issues. If you anticipate selling a home this year, consider using this period to review your property’s waterproofing status. It might prove helpful to schedule some waterproofing improvements now, while interest rates remain low.

Request Waterproofing Industry Services

Our hearts go out to everyone impacted by coronavirus. However, the need to maintain comfortable, dry homes and businesses remains unchanged. Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. remains available to furnish a full spectrum of waterproofing industry services. Our company continues working with customers to assist them in developing practical waterproofing plans.

Contact us for assistance with waterproofing projects in North Carolina. We offer expertise in achieving yard drainage goals. We also help maintain dry basements, foundations, and crawl spaces. Do you anticipate launching a new commercial or residential building project soon? We offer skilled construction waterproofing assistance. Call 919-877-9969 to request waterproofing industry services.