
Five Reasons Standing water is a Yard Drainage Problem

The Raleigh, North Carolina Area sometimes experiences heavy downpours. If you notice puddles remaining in some areas of your yard. Also, if they remain for extended periods of time, you might benefit by requesting a property waterproofing inspection. Yard drainage issues impact the presence of standing water frequently contributes to damp, wet conditions in basements and crawl spaces. Therefore, this brief article explores five reasons why stagnant puddles in a yard concern most real estate owners.

Yard Drainage

One: Plant Damage

One of the most visible impacts of pooling water involves a landscaping issue. Soggy, marshy patches of lawn usually disrupt a property owner’s exterior decorating plans. The presence of pooled water in the yard for days, weeks, or months at a time may effectively damage plant roots in the immediate vicinity. Flowers, grass, and other vegetation may die off in these locations. The unsightly results of extended puddle formation often alarm property owners desiring to maintain attractive landscaping.

Two: Erosion

Unfortunately, in some places, stagnant puddles also contribute to erosion and water drainage problems. Water may erode hillsides, flower beds, dirt paths, or gravel driveways as it flows into the lowest sections of the yard, for example. If repeated yard drainage problems persist over an extended period of time, this situation permanently changes the appearance of the property. In some cases, draining water removes topsoil, making it difficult for a landowner to restore the area without seeking the assistance of experts.

Three: Slick Yard Conditions

Persistent puddles in lawns and gardens in this region pose yet another concern for many real estate owners: they contribute to slippery, muddy turf. Also, from a practical standpoint, wet, sloppy areas of ground sometimes cause unexpected slips and falls outdoors. These sites also may result in household pets tracking mud and water into a residence, too (potentially contributing to indoor slips and falls). Slick patches in a yard create housekeeping headaches, as well as safety risks.

Four: Insect Issues

During warmer months of the year, standing water in a yard may promote insect infestations. Recently, considerable media attention has surrounded the dangers posed by mosquitoes. Also, some species of these blood-sucking insects lay their eggs in or near puddles of standing water. Certain types of mosquitoes potentially transmit a number of serious febrile diseases, such as West Nile Virus, Dengue, and Zika Virus (a threat to expecting mothers and unborn children). Different mosquito-borne diseases potentially afflict people and animals. Also, for a variety of excellent reasons, it makes sense to prevent stagnant, pooled standing water in yards and gardens in this region whenever possible.

Five: Waterproofing Problems

Finally, perhaps one of the most financially costly types of property damage associated with standing water relates to residential and commercial waterproofing. Also, water remaining for extended periods of time in puddles in low lying, soggy areas of a lawn frequently indicates water-saturated soils. For instance, water-soaked earth in the vicinity might not absorb additional moisture well, accounting for visible puddles in some parts of the yard. In many cases, rainwater runoff from persistently wet earth seeps gradually into foundations, basements and crawl spaces. Moist conditions in these sites ultimately produce a variety of concerns about possible water damage over the long term. Homeowners should consider taking action to identify and correct these types of yard drainage issues.

A Variety of Possible Yard Drainage Solutions

Fortunately, today a number of excellent (and very effective) strategies exist for resolving yard drainage concerns. Not every solution suits every yard. However, by treating standing water as a potential symptom of a yard drainage issue, landowners often enjoy the best opportunity to fix problems in a timely manner and prevent further property damage. A waterproofing firm may suggest a number of potential corrective measures. Depending upon the unique topography of the yard and the condition of basements and/or crawl spaces. These home improvements help solve many problems caused by standing water. As a result, they create more comfortable, healthier living spaces!

Obtain Experienced Assistance

If you’ve noticed water pooled in your yard for extended periods of time, consider requesting assistance from a full-time waterproofing firm. Founded in 2001, Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. possesses extensive experience correcting yard drainage and water damage problems. We serve the entire Greater Raleigh, North Carolina Area. Contact us at 919-877-9969 for assistance. Lastly, we offer a full spectrum of affordable waterproofing services, including French Drain installation to help direct water away from foundations and basements.

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