Building Foundation Waterproofing Foundation

Waterproofing Foundation Repair Excavations: Why Quality Issues Really Matter!

Waterproofing Foundation Repair Excavations

Obtaining effective basement and crawl space waterproofing solutions concerns numerous property owners in Raleigh, North Carolina for good reason. Water sometimes causes expensive damage to homes and businesses in this region. One significant type of rebuilding project involves repairing water damage to building foundations.

Yet before a construction crew can even provide this solution, it typically proves necessary to obtain skilled foundation repair excavation services. The care and attention a waterproofing firm devotes to this task matters enormously. This article offers a quick general overview of excavating a foundation; depending upon a customer’s location and the extent of the foundation damage, a contractor may need to include additional steps or may omit some steps.

Waterproofing Foundation

Foundation Repair Excavations: A Complex Undertaking

Many people immediately think of digging holes in the ground when they hear the term “excavation”. Yet during waterproofing foundation repair projects, this process involves considerable complexity. The terrain, the soil composition, weather conditions, and a variety of other factors may all impact an excavation.

In general, even limited excavations require thorough planning. A project manager must survey the site to identify any important nearby structures. No one wants to accidentally damage adjacent buildings or utility infrastructure during the foundation repair excavation process, for example. A lot of careful planning enters into coordinating the timetable for implementing different phases of a foundation repair project.

Clearing And Preliminary Grading

When conducting excavations to reveal the exterior of a residential foundation, a waterproofing contractor may need to clear away trees, bushes, or rocks. In many cases, homeowners have an opportunity to transplant or relocate favorite landscaping plants before the project commences. The team conducting the excavation seeks to work as efficiently and quickly as possible once the project begins.

The clearing process sometimes offers an opportunity to conduct useful preliminary grading near the site. For instance, a waterproofing company may also take the opportunity to smooth soil and correct terrain problems which may have contributed to water pooling next to a residential foundation in the past. (The grading process may ultimately help promote more effective yard drainage, while also contributing to worker safety.)


During excavations, contractors sometimes remove large quantities of earth. The design of the residence and the surrounding terrain influence the approach(es) to the digging site(s), of course. If a waterproofing firm needs to expose the entire foundation, then the repair project might require extensive digging.

Waterproofing contractors must exercise care to support the integrity of a building foundation and to prevent the earth from collapsing back into the site of excavation. Considerable complexity surrounds these issues. The types of necessary repair measures may influence the excavation depth, for instance. The specific precautions required vary from one project to another. Particularly in the case of deep excavation, digging demands care and attention to complete safely. After exposing part or all of the foundation, waterproofing contractors have an opportunity to undertake foundation repair measures.

Backfill And Final Grading

Backfill, the material placed into an excavation site, may help prevent future water damage. Not all waterproofing foundation repair projects involve the use of backfill. In some situations, structural engineers recommend replacing excavated earth with high-quality backfill materials. This phase of a waterproofing foundation repair project sometimes involves the greatest single expense for the property owner. Yet it may prove critical to the long term success or failure of certain types of foundation repair efforts.

Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. works closely with our clients to assist them in controlling project costs. We don’t offer structural foundation repair services. In situations involving the application of backfill, sometimes several potential backfill options exist. Final site grading usually occurs at the conclusion of a waterproofing foundation repair project involving excavation(s), whether or not the project required the use of backfill.

Additional Information

Do you hold concern water might have harmed your home’s foundation? Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. offers experienced waterproofing services in the Greater Raleigh Area. We possess expertise performing skilled foundation water damage repair services (including waterproofing foundation repair excavations). We also offer a variety of other important waterproofing services, including crawl space encapsulation and concrete crack injection services.

Although our firm does not offer structural foundation repair services, we do encourage customers to seek the assistance of structural engineers and other consultants if it appears extensive foundation water damage has occurred. Contact us to obtain knowledgeable assistance for any waterproofing issue by calling 919-877-9969. We look forwarding to helping you resolve residential or business waterproofing problems cost-effectively and efficiently!

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