
Why Developers (and HOAs) Request New Construction Waterproofing

Today, a growing number of real estate industry professionals appreciate the vital importance of obtaining new construction waterproofing services. Sometimes, requesting this assistance during the planning phase helps property owners save tens of thousands of dollars later. Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. specializes in supplying skilled new construction waterproofing.

New Construction

Recognizing a Widespread Problem

Today, most developers appreciate the benefits of considering waterproofing issues during the planning phases of construction projects. Builders who erect dry, comfortable high-quality structures gain a reputation as exemplary craftsmen. Many contractors realize the serious long term problems resulting from water damage. Simply taking steps to control water intrusions and yard drainage at a site more effectively during construction often helps prevent expensive property losses later.

Indeed, waterproofing has become a greater concern nationwide for developers during recent years. In the past, waterproofing failures have figured prominently in court cases in other states. For example, during 2012, a community association sued a developer in Oregon alleging a cracked slab and inadequate waterproofing had contributed to water leaks in a building’s parking garage.(1) In 2017, a condo association filed a lawsuit against a developer in California seeking damages for several building defects, including allegedly inadequate window waterproofing measures.(2) Careful developers and builders in growing numbers appreciate the importance of taking basic precautions to provide any necessary waterproofing solutions during construction.

Waterproofing in a Timely Manner

While some structures don’t require extensive waterproofing, many others benefit from this assistance. A variety of considerations impact the need for waterproofing services. If a developer foresees likely waterproofing concerns arising for property owners in the future, it may make sound economic sense to initiate waterproofing during the construction phase. In fact, in some situations, developers find themselves in the best position to implement subdivision-wide improvements (or to arrange for future development-wide waterproofing measures).

For example, attorney David C. Swedelson possesses extensive experience representing condominium associations. He wrote an article in 2011 arguing that condo associations often find themselves better suited to obtain waterproofing for balcony decks than individual condo owners. While all of the members of a condo community do benefit from this type of property-enhancing measure, individual unit owners occasionally procrastinate. Some owners may fail to complete the project in a timely manner, or they may neglect this responsibility completely.(3) A developer who seeks to build an exemplary master-planned community or an in-demand subdivision may discover value in drafting legal documents enabling future COAs or HOAs in the subdivision to allocate funds to oversee any ongoing waterproofing responsibilities in the future, for instance.

New Construction Waterproofing

When should developers and builders consider new construction waterproofing? We recommend devoting some attention to this concern during initial site planning. If problems arise later, a developer who has at least considered moisture control and yard drainage issues demonstrates a higher degree of care than a developer who ignores these important topics. Taking steps to waterproof new homes and commercial structures at a building site may help avoid heartbreaking property damage a short time later.

In fact, new construction waterproofing represents a true “win-win” situation. It benefits the developer, the builder, and future property owners. Just consider a few of the advantages this process offers:

  • Developers and builders demonstrate care in addressing this issue responsibly;
  • New construction waterproofing helps new buildings remain waterproof and dry;
  • Implementing some types of waterproofing solutions during new construction proves less expensive than adding them at a later date;
  • Some developers create comprehensive waterproofing plans to assist future residents in maintaining effective waterproofing;
  • A developer may even take steps to assist the HOAs and COAs in the subdivision in funding (and implementing) ongoing waterproofing measures, as the need arises.

Waterproofing: An Important Construction Goal

Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. recognizes the importance of waterproofing issues in today’s dynamic North Carolina construction marketplace. Increasingly, careful developers in this region strive to include effective moisture control and yard drainage measures in their plans. The ability to create dry, comfortable premises matters to both builders and their customers. We appreciate the opportunity to help promote this goal!

For example, our clients frequently ask us to pour concrete basement walls for new homes and commercial buildings. We’ll also assist developers and builders by installing interior basement drains, exterior French Drains, retaining walls, or other waterproofing improvements during construction.(4) Essentially, we don’t like to wait for moisture and dampness to cause property losses before we implement these measures. New construction waterproofing helps protect real estate against likely water damage. It promotes dry interiors right from the outset.

Obtain New Construction Waterproofing Services

Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. serves people throughout Raleigh, North Carolina and outlying areas. We offer a variety of vital waterproofing solutions, as well as new construction waterproofing services. We’ll work closely with developers, builders, property management firms, Homeowners Associations, Condominium Associations, and individual property owners. To request new construction waterproofing assistance, or any other waterproofing services, simply contact us at 919-877-9969. We look forward to meeting you!