Waterproof Basement Remodeling Waterproofing Construction Waterproofing Basement Waterproofing

Seven Ways to Fix Window Water Leaks During Basement Remodeling Waterproofing

In the Triangle Area of North Carolina, property owners frequently perform basement remodeling. This project often helps increase real estate values. Remodeling improvements may add thousands of dollars to a home’s market price. However, it remains important to obtain dry, water-free premises as an important first step. Seven helpful tips provide a way to fix ground-level window leaks during basement remodeling waterproofing.

Remodeling Requires Dry Conditions

Since remodeling involves construction, property owners should not embark on this project without seeking a dry, waterproof basement. Dank, wet environments foster the development of molds and mildews. Also, money expended remodeling a damp basement often goes to waste.

Water enters basements in a number of ways. Windows sometimes permit water intrusions. Consider fixing window leaks whenever performing basement remodeling waterproofing. A knowledgeable waterproofing contractor offers useful assistance in completing this task.

Seven Tips to Correct Window Leaks During Basement Remodeling Waterproofing

Basement windows supply a number of benefits. These locations help fill the lowest level of a residence with natural light. In some emergency situations, a basement window may offer a valuable escape route from a home. Sometimes remodeling projects involve adding windows to help brighten poorly lit basements.

Yet it remains very important to fix window water leaks during basement remodeling waterproofing. Consider relying upon some (or all) of these seven useful steps:

1. Evaluate your home’s location carefully and fix poor grading.

Sometimes the gradient of the surrounding terrain permits water to flow into basement windows. If the ground slopes directly towards these locations, problems cause by water intrusion may increase. A smart precaution to resolve window water leaks may involve re-grading the yard immediately outside the window. Sometimes, simply providing other channels for yard drainage helps alleviate some basement window water leak issues.

2. Assess any foundation drainage issues with care.

In this respect, checking the condition of any drains near the foundation also proves useful. Ensure these channels remain open and in good condition. Water should flow away from (not towards) the residence. Also, an experienced waterproofing contractor may offer valuable assistance.

3. Caulk (or re-caulk) existing windows and replace broken window glass.

Do basement windows display broken or cracked glass? Repair these defects. Are the window frames in the watertight condition? Therefore, in some cases, simply caulking or re-caulking around the window may resolve window water leaks.

4. Consider installing window wells (and safety covers) to promote better drainage.

To stop water from pooling outside a basement window, consider installing a window well. Today, many manufacturers also provide excellent transparent safety covers for these locations. The safety covers prove helpful in preventing accidents caused by people or pets accidentally falling into the window well. Also, consider obtaining professional window well and window safety cover installation.

5. Inspect gutters and downspouts and fix any leaks.

Another helpful measure involves inspecting the condition of your home’s rooftop gutters and downspouts. A clog or a leak in these systems might cause water to cascade directly around a basement window. Thus, this situation increases the chance of a window water leak problem developing over time.

6. Install watertight replacement windows, if necessary.

Sometimes, homeowners discover a complete basement window replacement represents the best option for resolving water intrusions. Also, many manufacturers offer excellent, well-constructed basement windows. Companies like Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. can provide skilled basement window installation services for waterproofing customers.

7. Don’t hesitate to install a basement dehumidifier.

Have you undertaken an expensive basement remodeling project recently? If a damp basement has caused problems in the past, consider taking aggressive measures to maintain waterproofing. Also, you might discover value in installing a high-quality basement dehumidifier. Maintaining new construction in a watertight condition helps prevent mold growth. Therefore, dank, persistently wet environments sometimes require costly basement remodeling repair measures.

Obtain The Assistance of a Waterproofing Contractor in NC

The skills of a full-time waterproofing contractor like Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. serve property owners during remodeling projects. Also, we offer knowledgeable assistance in performing basement remodeling waterproofing. For example, our company frequently fixes window leaks. We also install window wells, interior drains, and other waterproofing systems.

Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. serves customers across the Triangle Area. Contact us for assistance if you reside in Raleigh, Durham or Chapel Hill. We assist property owners in outlying locations, too. Lastly, to speak with us, simply call 919-877-9969 now. We look forward to helping you!