Why Waterproof Basements Are A Smart Home Investment
Adding Value to a Home
Did you know maintaining a waterproof basement often significantly enhances the long term value of home? While local building codes vary, a residence with a dry, well-cared for lower level frequently offers space for expansion. The possible benefits of investing in a reliable waterproofing system sometimes prove substantial.
Ground Floor Remodeling: It All Begins With a Dry Basement
Renovating a basement or ground floor area absolutely requires a dry, waterproof structure. Attempting this type of construction without first ensuring water and dampness won’t leak into the space could prove disastrous.
Once you implement measures to secure a dry basement area, however, you enjoy a multitude of exciting options for utilizing this living area. An effective waterproofing system may increase your enjoyment of your property significantly. Some households prefer unfinished basements as convenient extra storage locations; others want to obtain an expanded living area or even an additional source of income.
Find a Capable Local Contractor
Consider hiring a knowledgeable licensed contractor if you plan a basement remodeling project. Experts estimate up to three quarters of the cost of this type of project typically involve labor and expenses.
Some popular projects for enhancing dry, waterproof basements contribute to homeowner enjoyment. Just consider three trendy ideas:
Idea One: Add Extra Living Areas to Your Property
In some locations, homeowners have witnessed substantial increases in value simply by modifying a home to add additional bedrooms and bathrooms. You may need to check with a builder to determine whether you can make this change in a way enabling you to list additional “conforming” bedrooms. (The process may involve excavating along the exterior of the home to insert window wells and adding windows and fire exits.)
If your home’s terrain permits this step, you might rapidly transform a two or three bedroom structure into a four, five or six bedroom residence. Properties with extra bedrooms command a higher re-sale value in some communities.
Idea Two: Earn Rental Income
Additionally, some homeowners install additional living facilities in basements together with new ground-level outside entrances in order to create separate apartments or rental units. Whether this step would prove cost-effective may depend upon the real estate marketplace in your locale.
It remains very important to consult local zoning and building codes carefully before undertaking a project of this type. If feasible, you might boost your property value dramatically. The demand for rental housing in your area could significantly impact your projected returns.
Idea Three: Consider a Business Use
Yet another popular strategy for remodeling a dry basement involves installing a lower-level office or business area. Once again, local regulatory conditions impact the practicality of this step. In some communities with limited business rental space, installing a ground-floor office or service establishment (such as a day care, a beauty parlor, or a janitorial cleaning service office) offers a great way for a household to control the overhead associated with maintaining a fledgling small business.
Before undertaking an ambitious commercial project of this nature, you’ll want to check with a licensed builder and your attorney. These professionals may recommend valuable financing strategies. The return-on-investment from this type of renovation sometimes varies significantly based upon local economic conditions, applicable regulations and the type of business project you pursue. Some communities require home businesses which serve the public to add parking facilities to the premises (in addition to ground level entrance ways). If you do add an office or small business site to your residence, you should anticipate an increase in your property taxes at some point.
Financing Packages
As you contemplate selecting a reliable basement waterproofing system, exploring available financing packages associated with planned renovations may prove valuable. In some situations, for example, a homeowner might consider including the cost of the waterproofing system within a larger long term home renovation proposal. Local real estate marketing conditions may significantly impact this type of planning. By taking the time to consider your project carefully in every detail, you’ll enhance your prospects for achieving a desired outcome!