Got Poor Yard Drainage? 4 Reasons to Take Action Immediately

Got Poor Yard Drainage? 4 Reasons to Take Action Immediately

Poor yard drainage impacts property waterproofing in important ways. Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. frequently assists homeowners in the Raleigh area in managing rainwater runoff. Just consider some of the reasons why water pooling in a yard or around the perimeter of the residence for extended periods of time should concern a homeowner:

Poor Yard Drainage

1. Standing Water in a Yard Creates Landscaping Problems

Water draining into large, seasonal puddles in low lying areas of a yard sometimes creates significant landscaping problems for property owners. The water may damage the lawn and nearby decorative plantings. Then, these waterlogged spots sometimes dry to create muddy, eroded patches during dry periods of the year. In some locations, these unsightly long term puddles may even become mosquito habitats.

2. Poor Yard Drainage Frequently Impacts Basement Level Window Wells

Residential properties which include basement windows remain at high risk of sustaining damage from poorly draining yards in some cases. Since water tends to flow to the lowest point, some unprotected window wells may become sites for water to collect and pool against exposed residential surfaces. Over the course of time, damage may occur to window frames and even basement and foundation walls in these locations.

3. Poorly Draining Yards May Allow Water to Pool in Crawl Spaces or Basements

Sometimes homeowners discover poor yard drainage impacts the interior of their residential properties. Therefore, it’s no longer the landscaping or the residential exterior alone. Water may seep underground from these locations through the walls of a basement, or collect at the bottom of a crawl space. When this happens, poor yard drainage helps produce dank environments inside portions of the home. Many property owners rarely visit these locations within a residence; if standing water remains on site over extended periods of time, the moisture may begin rotting exposed wood surfaces in the vicinity. Additionally, standing water may seep into cracks inside concrete in the foundation or the basement, eventually enlarging these defects and potentially causing expensive future repair bills.

4. Poor Yard Drainage May Create Wet, Slippery Walkout Basement Entrances

Poor yard drainage can also affect walkout basements. The floor plan of the home and the yard’s terrain may impact this situation significantly. For example, a walkout basement directly facing a steeply inclined hill may become a focal point for water drainage during and after rainstorms. Following heavy rains, standing water may pool across paved surfaces after rainwater flows downhill. This situation may create deep puddles outside walkout basement entrances.  The same holds true for underground garage doors, potentially creating increased maintenance.

Solutions For Yard Drainage Problems

Today, a variety of solutions assist homeowners in addressing yard drainage issues. One highly affordable and proven solution for poor yard drainage involves the construction of one or more French Drains. These trench-like channels, typically filled with gravel and perforated piping, help transport draining water away from foundations. They may help resolve many common yard drainage concerns. Today a variety of attractive landscaping options enable French Drains to enhance the appearance of residential grounds.

Sometimes property owners who have purchased properties which already include previously installed French Drains discover these structures have become clogged with debris and silt over time. These drains may require cleaning or replacement. Draining water may transport fine particles along that will eventually clog the perforated pipe. During a yard drainage inspection, a waterproofing expert may recommend checking the condition of an existing French Drain to determine whether it still operates efficiently.

Exploring Optimal Solutions

Homeowners concerned about possible yard drainage issues may benefit by requesting a basement/crawl space and yard drainage inspection from a reputable waterproofing company. In some complex cases, we may recommend the homeowner consult with an environmental, structural or landscaping engineer to obtain specialized assistance. We’ll work closely with homeowners and other consultants to implement recommendations for restructuring outdoor areas. As well as, to install drainage systems to help produce affordable solutions.

Request Knowledgeable Assistance

Have you noticed a water drainage or waterproofing problem impacting your residence in the Raleigh, North Carolina area? Our company offers a variety of specialized solutions for property owners in this situation. With deep roots in the local area, we also furnish construction expertise.

Ask us to assist you by providing foundation waterproofing repair, basement waterproofing, sump pump installation, yard drainage assistance, and other skilled contractor services. We’ll repair previous damage to foundations caused by water leaks safely and effectively. Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. also helps implement moisture and water leak control solutions!

Four Concrete Waterproofing Must Haves

Four Concrete Waterproofing Must Haves

Concrete waterproofing experts assist customers in securing dry, moisture-free basements, crawl spaces and building foundations. When homeowners initially discover dampness in a low lying crawl space or a basement, they sometimes struggle to identify the cause. Contacting a qualified waterproofing firm for assistance can help determine the source of leaking water. An experienced expert in this field may also offer valuable solutions for yard drainage problems.Concrete Waterproofing

The Importance of Terrain

If you’ve noticed water pooling in your basement in the Raleigh area, it makes sense to consider both the condition of your home’s gutters and the surrounding landscape. Since water drains downwards as a result of the force of gravity, some real estate owners discover landscaping improvements strongly impact their waterproofing needs. Most modern homebuilders strive to eliminate steep gradients which might direct runoff towards a home’s foundation. Unfortunately, in the past many developers did not always appreciate the importance of this issue.

For example, the slope of the land in a yard may cause rainwater and melting snow to drain away from the home, or not. People who reside in dwellings built into the sides of hills need to pay especially close attention to this issue. The runoff from melting ice and snow should ideally flow away from the foundation of your residence.

Pooling Water: Not Good For Building Foundations

When water collects around the foundation of a building, over the course of time this situation eventually causes damage. Water may penetrate through the ground around the foundation, causing it to become waterlogged. The successive freezing and thawing of the water may contribute to the formation of cracks in cement and masonry.

In some cases, water pooling against a home’s foundation eventually seeps into low lying parts of the residence. It may create moist, dank basements and crawl spaces. In some locations, the saturation of the soil surrounding a home’s perimeter ultimately produces flooding problems following heavy rains because the waterlogged earth cannot absorb additional water. For a variety of excellent reasons, you’ll want to prevent rain and runoff from collecting around your home’s foundation.

Why Landscaping Improvements Sometimes Impact Drainage

Today, most real estate properties include a variety of concrete or brick improvements. Driveways, sidewalks, patios and even porches (and decks) all enhance comfort and property values. Yet if you plan on installing or modifying any of these surfaces, it makes sense to pay attention to water runoff issues. You won’t want to inadvertently allow rain draining from these structures to collect around your home’s foundation and potentially contribute to water leaks inside the residence.

A waterproofing expert in some situations may recommend the construction of a French Drain, a trench drain, or a surface drain in the yard to help collect runoff and channel it away from the home. This measure can help correct or prevent the formation of soggy spots in the lawn. Most importantly, implementing better drainage also reduces the chance the soil immediately around the foundation will become waterlogged. By providing a way for water to flow away from the residence, a drain may help preserve the anticipated useful lifespan of the foundation.

Check Four Key Home Fixtures

Of course, to prevent rain from collecting around the foundation, maintaining a secure roofing system and clean gutters and downspouts remains vitally important. Yet you also should not overlook the impact of key improvements in your yard. If you discover some free time during this busy season, conducting a quick check of four structures on your grounds may prove helpful. Take a moment to closely observe these items:

  • Driveways;
  • Sidewalks (and Paved Walks);
  • Patios;
  • Porches and Decks.

Notice the slope of the surrounding land around each of these improvements. Then answer these questions:

  • Does your residence sit on fairly level terrain or on a hillside?
  • Will rainwater and runoff from melting ice and snow move towards your home’s foundation or away from it while leaving a driveway, sidewalk, patio, porch or deck?
  • After a heavy rain, have you noticed runoff flowing away from your home to enter roadside gutters and drainage systems?
  • Or does the water collect in pools along the sides of the house?
  • Have cracks or holes developed in any improvements and started impacting water runoff in any way?

Assistance With Yard Drainage Issues

If you discover possible problems during your inspection, you may find it useful to consult with us. Raleigh Waterproofing Inc. offers a variety of services to help improve yard drainage. For example, we provide qualified French Drain construction, as well as other waterproofing measures. Contact us at 919-877-9969 for fast, experienced assistance.