Basement Drains: Using Backflow Prevention Technology Correctly

Basement Drains: Using Backflow Prevention Technology Correctly

The Value of Waterproofing TechnologyToday the issue of waterproofing a basement typically involves complexity. Builders, architects and structural engineers have developed many ingenious systems for erecting homes in a variety of terrains. A walk-out basement located in a residence perched on a steep hillside may present different types of waterproofing issues than one situated beneath a dwelling in a low-lying area, for instance.Backflow Prevention

The surrounding landscape, the elevation, prevailing climatic conditions, geology, the individual design of a home’s basement, and the household plumbing and drainage system may all potentially impact the ability of property owners to maintain a dry basement. While basement floor drains certainly don’t represent a “cure-all” solution to every potential water drainage problem, these drains may offer valuable protection against some specific types of water hazards. However, if your home includes a basement floor drain linked to a sewer system, you’ll want to make certain you use backflow prevention technology appropriately to help safeguard your premises against damage caused by sewer line clogs or backups.

Drain Backflow Prevention Technology

An infrequent but possible source of water pooling in lower levels of a home in some communities stems from backups in municipal sewer drain systems. This situation may potentially cause extensive damage. It also poses a significant threat to public health.

Today a variety of inexpensive backflow prevention devices on the marketplace assist homeowners in combatting this problem. Some of these low cost devices use check valves or even double check valves to stop water from backing up through drains and taps. If you own a home with a basement floor drain connected to a town sewer system should you go ahead and purchase some of these devices and install them in your home? Not necessarily. (We recommend seeking expert assistance.)

Treat Backflow Prevention Devices With Respect

As city planners have learned more about maintaining effective, sanitary and safe public services within prevailing environmental conditions, building codes in many locations have undergone periodic revisions. Today most of these regulations include complex plumbing provisions for the placement of backwater valves to prevent undesired sewer and drain backups. Communities with aging infrastructures sometimes include many older dwellings. The incorrect placement or installation of backwater valves in the past created enormous problems for some property owners and municipalities.

Incorrectly installed backwater valves and backwater valves placed in the wrong locations in a residence both cause significant problems. They may prevent a backup in one location, but create a bigger problem involving backflow at another spot. A homeowner who installs backflow prevention devices incorrectly may inadvertently contribute to residential plumbing problems, for instance.

A Variety of Basement Floor Drains

Adding to the complexity of this situation, some local areas mandate the use of specific types of backflow prevention devices, while others permit a wide variety. You’ll want to ensure any technology you install proves appropriate for your specific location and plumbing system. Fortunately, these devices today do not usually involve high costs: they typically offer an inexpensive, useful solution.

Additionally, not all basement floor drains connect to municipal sewer systems, even in homes located within urban areas. Some municipalities today require the connection of a basement floor drain to a sump pit; others still may not implement this requirement for some older buildings. It makes sense to consult with local building department personnel to clarify the specific type of floor drain (if any) in your basement.

Seek Expert Advice

For this reason, if you reside in a residence with a basement floor drain you believe connects directly to a municipal sewer system, it often proves useful to request an inspection of your basement by a waterproofing expert and public works department personnel before seeking the installation of one of these devices in your home. By checking first, you could prevent inadvertent damage caused by an improperly placed or incorrectly installed backflow prevention device. You’ll also make certain your modifications conform with current local building code requirements.

The correct use of prevention technology helps avoid plumbing catastrophes in many situations in which basement drains connected to sewer systems experience backflow. Basement floor drain backflow issues have occurred in some locations recently where municipal sewer and drainage systems faced pressure from protracted intense rainstorms, for instance. The messy and time-consuming cleanup typically involves considerable expense.

Waterproofing Services

By ensuring approved backflow prevention devices in basements work correctly, waterproofing experts perform a valuable service. When used properly, this technology may help save homeowners from painful losses. Contact Raleigh Waterproofing Solutions for assistance solving basement floor drain and waterproofing issues in our service area.

Useful Sump Pump Precautions

Useful Sump Pump Precautions

Sump Pumps: Useful Equipment

Sump pumps have become useful in homeowners struggles to maintain dry, waterproof basements. In some locations around the United States, building codes require the installation of sump pumps. Many homeowners have saved considerable sums of money simply by taking routine steps to keep residential sump pumps fully operational and in good working condition.

While sump pumps offer comparatively inexpensive water-removal assistance, failing to install a sump pump or to detect a malfunction involving the pump can prove exceedingly costly. Take some routine precautions to help ensure the sump pumps in your basement operate efficiently. You won’t need to expend a lot of effort, but you might reap important cost-savings with our list of sump pump precautions:

Sump Pump Precautions

One: Learn About Basic Sump Pump Operations

Sump pumps essentially perform the work of a “bucket brigade” by helping to collect pooling water from the lowest levels of a residence and pump it directly outside. For this reason, they typically occupy a “sump pit,” the lowest elevation in the basement. Water flows down to the sump pit through a basement drainage system. The sump pit will also collect any water seeping through basement walls or entering lower levels of the premises as a result of unusually heavy rains or flooding.

Today, depending upon their needs, homeowners often choose between two different styles of sump pump: pedestal or submersible. Both types offer advantages and disadvantages. The pedestal sump pump’s motor sits on a platform which elevates it above the sump pit. It contains a hose (or an intake pipe) extending down into the pit. As the engine pumps, it collects water pooled in the sump pit and pumps it outdoors. By contrast, a submersible sump pump’s motor sits beneath the sump pit basement drain within a completely enclosed waterproof housing. Out of sight under the basement floor, it also works to pump any water from the sump pit into a pipe leading outdoors. While sometimes very noisy during operation, pedestal pumps offer the advantages of a more easily accessible pump mechanism and a slightly lower cost. Submersible pumps usually provide considerably quieter operation, and they remain completely hidden from view and do not take up any useful basement floor space. However, repairing the motor generally requires expert assistance due to the pump’s difficult-to-access location.

Two: Test Your Sump Pump Periodically

Home inspection experts recommend testing the sump pump at designated intervals. In some homes, a sump pump works almost around the clock during certain times of year. Making periodic checks of this equipment helps insure it will continue operating when needed. Home inspectors suggest asking an electrician to install a ground fault circuit interrupter on the sump pump’s electrical outlet to reduce possible electrocution dangers involving a sump pump.

The sump pump typically contains a water pressure sensor in the form of a float activator. As water flows into the sump pit, it exerts pressure on this mechanism and turns on the sump pump automatically. (A few homes possess manually activated sump pumps which require the owner to flip a switch to activate.) Test the pump’s operation by pouring water into the sump pit.

Three: Install a Backup Sump Pump

Sump pump failures can prove costly. Many plumbers recommend the installation of a second, back-up battery-powered sump pump. It can provide important assistance if a power interruption occurs during a heavy rainstorm.

Today many of these units include an alarm to alert residents to the need for battery replacement. Battery-powered pumps typically lack sustained endurance. Yet this equipment may prevent a flooded basement in some situations.

Four: Obtain Periodic Submersible Sump Pump Drain Cleaning

A third sump pump precaution applies specifically to popular submersible sump pumps. Placed beneath the basement drain in the sump pit, these units periodically become clogged with debris and sediment. They usually contain a bottom grate which accumulates unwanted material.

Periodical removal and cleaning helps ensure submersible pumps continue working effectively. It usually proves helpful to inspect the basement sump pit drain, too. Clear away any trapped debris or gravel.

A Persistently Wet Basement

If you take every precaution to maintain your home’s sump pump in good working condition, yet you still notice frequent dampness or pooling water in the basement, you might benefit by consulting about this problem with a full-time waterproofing company. Persistently damp indoor conditions can lead to a variety of heath and safety concerns. These issues range from the development of mold to termite infestations and weakened building foundations.

Our firm remains available to assist property owners struggling to resolve sump pump and basement waterproofing issues. Don’t allow a dank basement to degrade your property values. Instead, simply give us a call. We’ll help you discover the source of persistent water and find practical, effective solutions.

Preventing Basement Water Damage with Proactive Waterproofing Strategies

Preventing Basement Water Damage with Proactive Waterproofing Strategies

Basement water damage represents one of the most common types of problems faced by a homeowner. In fact, 98 percent of basements in the United States will experience water damage at some point in time, according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.

Basement water damage can be a costly problem. As a result, a homeowner needs to be aware of the common causes of water damage. In addition, a homeowner must be proactive when it comes to taking steps to protecting a basement from water damage. Making an investment in protecting against water damage today can lessen the expenses associated with emergency intervention after water damage occurs.

Repair Services Basement Water Damage

Common Causes of Basement Water Damage

Flooding caused by a severe weather event is a common cause of residential and commercial basement water damage. Each year, homes experience basement water damage as the result of a significant storm. With that said, a major weather event is not the only common cause of basement water damage.

Cracks in basement walls and flooring represents another common cause of water damage. When cracks exist, they often permit the entry of water into a basement, even when a light rain occurs. In addition, cracked walls and flooring can permit water to seep into a basement due to what is known as hydrostatic pressure. This draws water lingering in soil to be drawn into a basement, even in the absence of a rain storm or a more serious weather event.

Age takes its toll on masonry and a residential or commercial foundation. The decay caused by aging represents another common underlying cause of basement water damage.

Professional Waterproofing Evaluation

Each basement has its own unique set of characteristics. In other words, when it comes to waterproofing a basement, a one size fits all approach does not work effectively.

The first step in determining what tactics to employ to waterproof a basement is to engage the services of a professional to inspect the premises. Through an inspection, a determination can be made of the vulnerabilities of a basement in regard to potential water damage.

Basement Waterproofing Strategies

There are many different strategies that can be utilized to waterproof a residential or commercial basement. Indeed, in many cases, more than one tactic will be employed to properly waterproof a basement.

Examples of strategies utilized to waterproof a basement include the installation of drains or more comprehensive basement drainage systems. In addition, effective waterproofing of a basement can include the use of sealants and waterproof coatings. The use of poly panel can also prevent water damage in a basement. The installation and use of dehumidifiers are also is also recommended in some cases.

Timing is Crucial

As mentioned previously, a home or business owner is best served by taking a proactive stance to waterproofing a basement. A home or business owner can enjoy the best results when waterproofing strategies occur before a water problem erupts.

The stark reality is that a small water leak or seepage problem can escalate in very little time. In other words, a drip can turn into a flow that results in costly damage to a basement.

There are waterproofing specialists who truly understand the need for fast action. Indeed, some of these professionals even offer rapid response services to ensure that a waterproofing specialist is on site quickly, ready to take action in addressing a water-related problem at a residence or business.

What to Look for in a Basement Waterproofing Professional

When seeking assistance from a basement waterproofing professional, there are a number of factors that should be borne in mind. First and foremost, experience matters when it comes to basement waterproofing. By engaging an experienced specialist, a residential or commercial property owner can rest assured that appropriate, comprehensive, and effective waterproofing strategies will be employed to address a basement’s needs.

Beyond the experience of a basement waterproofing professional, a home or business owner needs a basement waterproofing specialist that is appropriately licensed, insured, and bonded. In addition, a home or business owner should reach out to a waterproofing service that properly screens its team of specialists.

Finally, there can be some fairly significant disparities in the costs associated with waterproofing services. When at all possible, a home or business owner should take the time to shop around and compare prices for waterproofing services.

How to Keep a Waterproof Basement

Everyone wants a waterproof basement for their house or business whether it is carpeted and has furniture or if it is just concrete walls and a dirt floor. Many people just call a company that specializes in waterproofing, but due to how expensive the bills can be from professional companies, others would rather do it themselves. The big question a lot of people have is where to start when waterproofing a basement themselves. Below are some easy methods on how to waterproof a basement not only from the inside but the outside too!basement repair Basement Remodel Waterproof Basement

How to Keep a Waterproof Basement

Waterproofing the inside of a basement is not only easier, but also cheaper than waterproofing the outside while still proving very effective. One way to basement waterproofing paint the inside of a basement is to use a silicate-based concrete sealer, which usually costs forty to fifty dollars for a one-gallon can. This method will only work if the walls have not been previously painted or sealed. To apply the silicate-based sealer simply use a paintbrush, paint roller or spray. This sealer penetrates the wall and soaks in so it will not flake or peel off. For the best results, two coats should be applied to the wall. This sealer, once completely dry, can usually be painted over, but it is still best to check the label.

Another way to waterproof a basement from the inside is to use concrete waterproofing coating or seal basement walls. The coating is a dry mix which water must be added to for activation. A five-gallon bucket of dry concrete coating mix costs about thirty to forty dollars. This concrete coating is extremely thick and adds a permanent layer to the basement walls. It must be applied with a heavy brush made of tampico bristles and, to give the walls a more attractive look, swirl the brush at the final stage of application to add designs. This coating; however, cannot be applied to previously painted surfaces. It is best to check the label for any further warnings or directions. A person could also simply start with sealing any cracks or holes in basement walls and around pipes that go directly through the walls.

Your answer on how to waterproof basement walls? Waterproofing the outside of a basement can be a little more complicated and a little more expensive than waterproofing the inside of a basement, but it is extremely effective. There are many simple and inexpensive ways to waterproof a basement, or at least reduce leaking from the outside into a basement. One way to reduce the chance of leaking is to make sure all downspouts from gutters are discharging water and other debris such as leaves and bugs at least five feet away from the building’s foundation. Another way to reduce leaking is to make sure there are no plants closer than twelve inches to the foundation. Grass is acceptable, but flowers or bushes could potentially draw more water in to stay hydrated causing extra water to leak into the foundation and basement.

If someone would rather hire a company to waterproof their basement, they could get an installer to inject hydroclay around the foundation. Hydroclay is very popular for its ability to hold back massive amounts of water. It is usually injected from the outside of the building into the foundation, and it slowly spreads and coats the outside of the basement walls that are covered by soil. The clay also seeps into the openings not only in the walls but also into the soil where water used to come out of the ground and into the basement.

There are many quick and simple ways a person could waterproof their basement. They could waterproof it from the inside with silicate-based coatings which do not peel or flake off the basement walls, or they could use concrete waterproofing coatings to not only seal water out, but also add a finishing to the basement walls. If working inside is not an option or is not favored, there are ways to waterproof a basement from the outside like simply making sure gutters are draining at least five feet away from the building’s foundation or there are no plants, other than grass, growing closer than twelve inches to the foundation. Hydroclay is also an easy alternative if people do not want to waterproof a basement themselves, although it can be a little more expensive. There are many other ways for people to waterproof their basements themselves, but trying the simple methods listed in this article can save time and money.

The Many Advantages of Basement Waterproofing

Advantages of Basement Waterproofing

A waterproof basement doesn’t have to be a distant and unrealistic pipe dream for any homeowner. If you’re thinking about possibly waterproofing your basement, you should learn about all of the advantages of doing so first. Additional information can help you make a better choice. A waterproof basement can open your home up to a broad range of positive factors.

Basement Remodeling Waterproofing Construction Waterproofing  Basement Waterproofing

Basement Waterproofing Can Keep Unpleasant Mildew and Mold Away

Mildew and mold are unsightly substances, to say the least. They can also bring on severe health concerns. Mold development can trigger significant respiratory woes in some humans. Mold is frequently responsible for nausea, allergies and airborne diseases alike, too. If you want to keep your property fresh, pleasant, welcoming and healthy for all, basement waterproofing work can go a long way. That’s because it can stop the emergence of both mildew and mold. It accomplishes this by doing away with leakage. Who wants to have a moist and icky basement, anyway?

Basement Waterproofing Can Give You More Space

People frequently complain about lack of space in their homes. That’s the reason basement waterproofing can be such a terrific idea. Waterproofing a basement gives you more access to room that’s suitable for living. You can do anything you want with that additional room, too. If you want to set up a guest bedroom for family members and friends who visit from out of town and want to stay overnight, you can do so. If you want to create a designated play center for the energetic youngsters in your household, you can do so as well. You can even use a waterproof basement to store vital belongings. No one wants to keep prized possessions in dank and dim surroundings.

Basement Waterproofing Can Help You Forget Flooding

Floods are common and devastating disasters. People frequently experience them in the wintertime. They frequently experience them in the middle of hurricane season as well. If you want to minimize your odds of anxiety-inducing flooding on your property, basement waterproofing can be a considerable help. Floods are unpleasant for so many reasons. They can often bring on substantial water damage, too. Water damage can often call for time-consuming and costly professional restoration service. If you don’t want to have to think about water damage and unpleasant flooding effects in general, basement waterproofing could just be your greatest bet.

Basement Waterproofing Can Help You Get Ready for Home Renovation

Comprehensive and detail-oriented waterproofing can be a great option for property owners who are planning on renovating their basements. If you want your basement remodeling project to go off smoothly and without a hitch, you need to make sure to take care of any and all humidity and water concerns in advance.

Basement Waterproofing Can Minimize Your Energy Bills

Sky-high energy bills can be a pain for any household. If you’re sick and tired of paying outrageous energy bills each month, investing in basement waterproofing may be the solution. Closing old openings and splits can make your home’s energy efficiency a lot better. That’s because doing so can stop frigid air from entering your property in times of colder weather. If you don’t want to have to deal with the headaches of steep energy bills during the winter and fall each year, basement waterproofing can be a lifesaver.

Basement Waterproofing Can Give Your Property Value a Boost

Homeowners often spend time thinking about what they can do to give their properties value boosts. Value boosts can be excellent for people who are contemplating putting their residences on the market. If you want to make your property as attractive and enticing to potential buyers as possible, basement waterproofing is without a doubt a good idea.

Basement Waterproofing Can Make You Feel Better, Plain and Simple

Basement waterproofing can give you a sense of ease that’s unequaled. It can be incredibly frustrating to have to stress about the possibility of flooding any time you experience extreme snow or intense rain. If you want to free your mind of these types of nonstop concerns, basement waterproofing can do the trick. Life is too short and too precious. The last thing you need is to ever waste time wondering about the state of your basement!

Contact Raleigh Waterproofing Today for More Information

It can be annoying to think about the possibility of mold and mildew on your property. It can equally annoying to think about flooding and high energy bills as well. If you want to eliminate all of those concerns from your life, we can provide you with professional basement waterproofing service that can get you moving in the right direction. Reach out as soon as possible for more details about our basement waterproofing work. Contact us to make an appointment, too.

Why Waterproof Basements Are A Smart Home Investment

Why Waterproof Basements Are A Smart Home Investment

Adding Value to a Home

Did you know maintaining a waterproof basement often significantly enhances the long term value of home? While local building codes vary, a residence with a dry, well-cared for lower level frequently offers space for expansion. The possible benefits of investing in a reliable waterproofing system sometimes prove substantial.

Wet Basement Waterproof Basements

Ground Floor Remodeling: It All Begins With a Dry Basement

Renovating a basement or ground floor area absolutely requires a dry, waterproof structure. Attempting this type of construction without first ensuring water and dampness won’t leak into the space could prove disastrous.

Once you implement measures to secure a dry basement area, however, you enjoy a multitude of exciting options for utilizing this living area. An effective waterproofing system may increase your enjoyment of your property significantly. Some households prefer unfinished basements as convenient extra storage locations; others want to obtain an expanded living area or even an additional source of income.

Find a Capable Local Contractor

Consider hiring a knowledgeable licensed contractor if you plan a basement remodeling project. Experts estimate up to three quarters of the cost of this type of project typically involve labor and expenses.

Some popular projects for enhancing dry, waterproof basements contribute to homeowner enjoyment. Just consider three trendy ideas:

Idea One: Add Extra Living Areas to Your Property

In some locations, homeowners have witnessed substantial increases in value simply by modifying a home to add additional bedrooms and bathrooms. You may need to check with a builder to determine whether you can make this change in a way enabling you to list additional “conforming” bedrooms. (The process may involve excavating along the exterior of the home to insert window wells and adding windows and fire exits.)

If your home’s terrain permits this step, you might rapidly transform a two or three bedroom structure into a four, five or six bedroom residence. Properties with extra bedrooms command a higher re-sale value in some communities.

Idea Two: Earn Rental Income

Additionally, some homeowners install additional living facilities in basements together with new ground-level outside entrances in order to create separate apartments or rental units. Whether this step would prove cost-effective may depend upon the real estate marketplace in your locale.

It remains very important to consult local zoning and building codes carefully before undertaking a project of this type. If feasible, you might boost your property value dramatically. The demand for rental housing in your area could significantly impact your projected returns.

Idea Three: Consider a Business Use

Yet another popular strategy for remodeling a dry basement involves installing a lower-level office or business area. Once again, local regulatory conditions impact the practicality of this step. In some communities with limited business rental space, installing a ground-floor office or service establishment (such as a day care, a beauty parlor, or a janitorial cleaning service office) offers a great way for a household to control the overhead associated with maintaining a fledgling small business.

Before undertaking an ambitious commercial project of this nature, you’ll want to check with a licensed builder and your attorney. These professionals may recommend valuable financing strategies. The return-on-investment from this type of renovation sometimes varies significantly based upon local economic conditions, applicable regulations and the type of business project you pursue. Some communities require home businesses which serve the public to add parking facilities to the premises (in addition to ground level entrance ways). If you do add an office or small business site to your residence, you should anticipate an increase in your property taxes at some point.

Financing Packages

As you contemplate selecting a reliable basement waterproofing system, exploring available financing packages associated with planned renovations may prove valuable. In some situations, for example, a homeowner might consider including the cost of the waterproofing system within a larger long term home renovation proposal. Local real estate marketing conditions may significantly impact this type of planning. By taking the time to consider your project carefully in every detail, you’ll enhance your prospects for achieving a desired outcome!

Basement Flooding 101: Why It Happens and How You Can Get Help

Basement Flooding 101: Why It Happens and How You Can Get Help

If you own a basement in Raleigh, then you may be familiar with the way that they tend to leak. While basements are designed to withstand a significant amount of force, the materials they are made of seldom are designed to protect against leaks.

Let’s take an in-depth look at why your basement might leak, and what you can do to repair and protect against future basement flooding.

Basement Flooding Wet Basement Waterproof Basements

Why Do Basements Leak?

Basements are generally constructed using concrete, mortar or another type of rock-based cement. This material should be strong enough to withstand the force of dirt pressing inward against it while providing a solid foundation for the remainder of your home’s structure.

The problem with these materials is that they become brittle by design. They contract when they dry, which is why rebar and other materials are integrated within them for reinforcement.

While most of these cracks should remain unseen or harmless, some can allow water to seep into your home.

Other sources of leaks include:

Drainage from improperly sealed basement windows.
Splash-up water that sneaks between the foundation and your house’s first floor.
Poor yard drainage that allows water to pool around your basement.
Failure to address leaks that become progressively worse over time.

How Can a Leaky Basement Be Fixed?

Leaky basements can be addressed in three major ways:

Water can be diverted away from the basement. Yard drainage will often help with this. French drains may be employed around the foundation of the property to carry water away.
Cracks and damage should be repaired and sealed. Crack injections using an epoxy-based filler are the most common ways to repair cracks, but more drastic measures may be needed if the damage has progressed.
Water that drains vertically should be diverted underneath the basement. Blocks can be fitted outside the basement and a drain can be added below the basement floor to divert water away from the foundation.

The cost and involvement of these measures will vary depending upon the system required to keep water away from the basement. Smaller basements may require fixing damage and minor water diversion, but larger basements may require a more comprehensive system to ensure that the basement is waterproof.

Is a Leaky Basement Something You Should Be Concerned About?

While a few small leaks may seem like a minor nuisance, the thing to understand about leaks is that they tend to grow larger. Running water erodes the concrete and other materials designed to keep your basement watertight.

Without repairing these issues, water can wear down your basement’s structure until you have serious structural issues. Winter freezes in Raleigh can make these issues progress even further due to the way water expands as it becomes a solid.

The bottom line is that any basement leak should be repaired to prevent future problems.

Waterproof Your Foundation, Home and Basement

If your basement leaks, then let the experts as Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc fix it. We can employ our years of experience and cutting-edge techniques to ensure that water stays out of your home.

Learn more about our basement waterproofing services today.

4 Reasons You Should Waterproof Your Foundation or Basement

Reasons You Should Waterproof Your Foundation or Basement

Home improvements do not have to be limited to what you can see. Improvements to items like electrical wiring and plumbing can bring significant comfort to everyone within your home without needing to be visible.

When you waterproof your foundation it is yet another unseen improvement that could make your home more usable and comfortable, but it is one that few people really consider due to the hidden nature of foundations and basements.

Let’s explore some reasons why you should waterproof your foundation.

Waterproof Your Foundation

1. Reducing the Risk of Flooding

Flooding is a very real risk to everyone living in Raleigh, North Carolina. It only takes one decent storm to have an indoor swimming pool within your own home.

Waterproofing reduces the risk of flooding by reshaping the way water interacts with your home. French drains can redirect water in safe ways. When you waterproof your foundation it will keep more water away from your home, which in turn reduces the likelihood that water will enter your home.

2. Keeping Your Basement Dry

While not every home in Raleigh has a basement, the ones that do will appreciate having a dry one.

When you waterproof your foundation it enables this by reducing the amount of water that seeps into a home. It can divert it while adding a waterproof barrier.

The result is a basement that can be used for everything from recreation to storage. This allows you to utilize your basement to its fullest without having to worry about floods, leaks or moisture that can cause extensive damage.

3. Reducing Overall Moisture

Moisture in a home can make your home feel warmer during the summer, cause oxidation on metal objects, destroy paper products, foster environments where mold thrives, and reduce the comfort you feel in your own home.

The first step to reducing moisture in your home is to waterproof your foundation. This is because water tends to travel upwards as it evaporates, which is why homes with a water-logged foundation tend to be more humid than homes with dry foundations.

4. Protecting Your Home

Water and homes seldom mix unless that water is in a controlled environment. This is a fact that remains true both inside and outside of your home.

Waterproofing your foundation can prevent water from seeping into your home where it can warp boards, cause walls to rot, and ruin your possessions. It minimizes the amount of water that seeps inside of your home.

Waterproofing the foundation also helps the outside of your home. It can help ensure that the ground where your foundation sits is less prone to shifting, which in turn can reduce the occurrence of foundation problems and leaks.

A Waterproofed Foundation Makes for a Smart Home

Waterproofing your foundation is one of the most important improvements you can make to your home. It keeps the inside dry while ensuring that the structure itself does not experience costly and bothersome foundation issues.

If you want to ensure that your foundation stays dry, then contact Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. We specialize in basement waterproofing in Raleigh, NC both new and existing.