Are you considering a basement remodel in your North Carolina home? If so, basement remodel step one is most certainly waterproof it. Reduce the risk of your basement remodel project by protecting it from the start. This brief article addresses some of the advantages property owners and lenders gain by abiding by step one of any basement remodel project. That being, waterproof it.
A Basement Remodel can be a Lucrative Decision
Today, buyers sometimes actively search for homes with basements in order to improve the property. Adding an additional bedroom, a den, a workshop, or a home office downstairs may significantly boost real estate value. A basement remodel can transform a cold empty basement into a comfortable living space. Not to mention the sense of accomplishment home owners feel upon completion. For a variety of reasons, an attractively finished residential basement holds value.
Yet property owners in Raleigh need to exercise caution before undertaking a basement remodel project. Although it offers a high return on investment in most cases, this type of undertaking does involve costs. Some sources estimate the average bill for a basement remodel range nationwide from $6,500 to $18,500. Additionally, installing new fixtures, carpeting, and furnishings contributes to this expense. In total a basement remodel requires roughly $10,000 to $30,000, according to the NerdWallet website.
From The Outset of your Basement Remodel Project Pay Close Attention to the Significance of Calling In The Professionals for Waterproofing Services
Property owners and lenders obtain benefits by addressing basement waterproofing issues during the planning stages. Why? Just consider some important reasons to explore this issue at an early point in your project:
1. Build in a dry environment.
2. Avoid cost overruns caused by water damage.
3. Incorporate effective waterproofing measures into the remodeling design.
4. Avoid expensive basement water intrusion repairs later…. Waterproof it!
Thinking closely about waterproofing issues during the preliminary stages of remodeling helps prevent disappointments. No one wants to discover just a few months after installation that new drywall requires replacement due to mold damage. Yet failing to waterproof your basement prior to remodel results in this type of unpleasant surprise.
Building Intelligently Helps Prevent Cost Overruns
Modern builders recognize the destructive potential of water. Moist, dank environments contribute to the development of molds. Unfortunately, these microscopic plants thrive on many types of surfaces. Mold readily inhabits carpeting, upholstery, wood, drywall, and even cement. If a remodeling firm performs work in a wet basement, the improvements eventually require repair or replacement.
Property owners face unnecessarily high costs when they authorize remodeling in wet locations. Implementing effective basement waterproofing measures first prevents these losses. For this reason, it typically makes sense to include a waterproofing plan as a prerequisite for all basement remodel projects.
Resolve Waterproofing Issues First For Best Results
As problems associated with mold have gained wider attention, homeowners increasingly appreciate the importance of prioritizing basement waterproofing measures highly. A wet basement cannot be reach resolve or be concealed by a basement remodel without first obtaining waterproofing services. Instead, it simply exacerbates the problem by requiring additional expensive repair measures.
By taking steps to achieve a dry, comfortable setting before remodeling, homeowners optimize their chances of project success. Experienced waterproofing companies offer valuable assistance with this effort. We work diligently to furnish cost-effective solutions for basement waterproofing concerns.
Solicit Lender Involvement
In fact, waterproofing improvements may constitute the first phase of remodeling. Most lenders appreciate knowing homeowners have considered this important issue. They would prefer to address waterproofing concerns right from the outset.
Homeowners obtain advantages by viewing waterproofing as a prerequisite for further improvements. Simple waterproofing measures may prevent disastrous flooding later. Installing an interior basement drain or a well-placed French Drain often proves cost-effective, for example. Consider evaluating a remodeling floor plan with waterproofing in mind. This simple precaution frequently helps avoid expensive repairs in the future!
Schedule a Consultation for Your Basement Remodel Waterproofing Services Today!
To schedule an inspection by an experienced waterproofing company conveniently in the Greater Raleigh Area, simply contact Raleigh Waterproofing, Inc. We offer a full range of commercial and residential services in this field. As well qualified local builders, we’ve chosen to focus primarily upon waterproofing as a way to enhance real estate. We appreciate the vital importance of implementing effective basement waterproofing measures before undertaking other remodeling steps in Raleigh.
Simply call 919-877-9969 to schedule an appointment. You may also reach us online on a 24/7 basis by using the convenient website contact form. Let us know how we can assist you!